內容簡介: |
關於作者: |
Part One
Can a Second Bailout Save Greece?
Body of Evidence
Keynes VS Hayek in China
中国的选择:凯恩斯VS 哈耶克
UK’s Poorest Families Face Tightest
Squeeze on Income
All Eyes on London
伦敦2012:举世瞩目 /027
Big Maconomics: How McDonald’s Explains the World
巨无霸经济——麦当劳诠释世界 /033
Europe Needs More Than Another Bailout
欧洲援助:杯水车薪 /040
India and China:Friend, Enemy, Rival, Investor?
印度和中国:朋友、敌人、对手、投资者? /046
London Olympics 2012 All Quiet in The Western End
伦敦奥运:西区静悄悄 /054
Blackout Nation
暗夜:停电之国 /059
The Not-so-mighty Mississippi: How the River’s
Low Water Levels Are Impacting the Economy
密西西比河:何时再奔腾? /065
Weather Versus Business
天气与商业 /072
Germany Debates Plan to Pay Stay-at-home Moms
德国:全职妈妈享福利 /077
A Fall to Cheer
全球贫困首次下滑值得庆贺 /083
Part Three
The Lessons the Rest of the
World Should—and Should Not—Take from Germany
德国模式:学与不学 /089
Part Two
How to Save U.S. Manufacturing Jobs
如何拯救你,美国制造业 /096
Latest Gas Price Spike Spawns Bad Ideas
油价飙升,纷争再起 /101
Canada’s Pension Funds : Maple Revolutionaries
加拿大养老基金:枫叶革命者 /107
6 Horrifying Historical Origins of Famous Corporate Logos Ⅰ
邪恶的诱惑:六大世界知名品牌的商标Ⅰ /114
6 Horrifying Historical Origins of Famous Corporate Logos Ⅱ
邪恶的诱惑:六大世界知名品牌的商标Ⅱ /120
Pretty Profitable Parrots
经商新论:创新可贵,模仿无罪 /126
A Tale of Two Cities: Too Many Jobs, or Not Enough
双城记:就业机会太多还是太少 /134
Why Not Make Olympic Uniforms in China?
伦敦奥运,中国制造——有何不可? /140
Zen and the Art of Carmaking
禅宗与汽车制造的艺术 /146
Slaves to the Smartphone
沦为智能手机的奴隶 /154
Deathless Data:What Happens to
Our Digital Property After We Die?
斯人已逝,数据永存 /160
Part Four
Whales Are People Too, a Declaration
of the Rights of Cetaceans
鲸,亦为人——“鲸权宣言” /182
Scientists Use Stem Cells to Generate Human Eggs
女性福音——卵子可望再生 /188
China’s Shenzhou-9 Successfully Docks with Tiangong-1
中国神舟九号与天宫一号成功对接 /193
Why the Technology Industry’s
Greatest Years Are Still Ahead
期待科技的美好时代 /201
Morals and the Machine:
Teaching Robots Right form Wrong
道德与机器:教会机器人明辨是非 /207
Curiosity Rover: Why Nasa
Isn’t Looking for Life on Mars
“好奇”号:缘何不为寻找生命 /214
Shark-Tooth Weapons Reveal Lost Biodiversity
鲨鱼牙齿:那些消逝的生命 /220
Non-news Is Good News
没消息就是好消息 /164
Apple TV Will Change the Way People Consume TV
Wow,iTV 来了! /171
Big Data Knows What You’re Doing Right Now
警惕!说者无心,听者有意 /176
Part Five
Private Schools for the Poor-rich Pickings
贫富同校,谁人渔利? /226
Part Six
The 30-Year Itch: America’s Nuclear
Industry Struggles to Get Off the Floor
30年之痒:美国核能蓄势腾飞 /262
“One Disaster After Another”: Most
Tie Extreme Weather to Global Warming
全球变暖 祸不单行 /269
Leave Well Alone
核废料:好好储藏起来 /275
Three Ways Africans Are Making
Cheap Do-It-Yourself Electricity
非洲光明之路:创意、节省、环保 /281
An Earth Summit Draws on Oil,
Mining and Utility Largess
地球峰会:经济发展与环境保护的博弈 /288
Cutting the Price of Offshore Wind
英国风能:降低成本,惠利于民 /294
London 2012 Olympics: How Green Are
the“Most Sustainable Olympics Ever?”
伦敦奥运:够绿色吗? /299
Door-to-door for the Summer
上门推销,你准备好了吗? /232
Follow 3 Simple Steps to Finish Graduate School
加油,向前冲! /237
10 Lessons of an MIT Education Ⅰ
MIT 的十堂教育课 Ⅰ /241
10 Lessons of an MIT Education Ⅱ
MIT的十堂教育课 Ⅱ /248
125 Harvard Students Suspected
of Cheating on Take-home Exam
哈佛:125名学生涉嫌作弊 /254
Slaves to the Smartphone
“The Servant” 11963 is one of those films
that it is impossible to forget—a merciless dissection of the
relationship between a scheming valet played by Dirk Bogarde and
his dissolute master James Fox. The valet exploits his master’s
weaknesses until he turns the tables: the story ends with a
cringing Fox ministering to a lordly Bogarde. The film was an
indictment of the class structure of Harold Macmillan’s Britain2.
But it is hard to watch it today without thinking of another
fraught relationship— the one between businessfolk and their
Smart devices are sometimes empowering.They put
a world of information at our fingertips. They free people to work
from home instead of squeezing onto a train with malodorous
strangers. That is a huge boon for parents seeking flexible work
hours. Smartphones and tablets can also promote efficiency by
allowing people to get things done in spare moments that would
otherwise be wasted3 , such as while queuing for coffee. They can
even help slackers create the illusion that they are working around
the clock, by programming their e-mail to be sent at
But for most people the servant has become
the master. Not long ago only doctors were on call all the time.
Now everybody is. Bosses think nothing of invading their employees’
free time. Work invades the home far more than domestic chores
invade the office. Otherwise-sane people check their smartphones
obsessively, even during pre-dinner drinks, and send e-mails first
thing in the morning and last thing at night.
This is partly because smartphones are
addictive: when Martin Lindstrom, a branding guru, tried to
identify the ten sounds that affect people most powerfully, he
found that a vibrating phone came third, after the Intel chime and
a giggling baby. BlackBerrys and iPhones provide relentless
stimuli, stimulus interspersed with rewards. Whenever you check the
glowing rectangle4, there is a fair chance you will see a message
from a client, a herogram from your boss or at least an e-mail from
a Nigerian gentleman offering you $1m if you share your bank
details with him. Smartphones are the best excuse yet devised for
procrastination. How many people can honestly say that they have
never pruned their e-mails to put off tackling more demanding
Hyperconnectivity exaggerates some of the
most destabilising trends in the modern workplace: the decline of
certainty as organisations abandon bureaucracy in favour of
adhocracy, the rise of global supply chains and the general cult
of flexibility. Smartphones make it easier for managers to change
their minds at the last moment: for example, to e-mail a minion at
11pm to tell him he must fly to Pittsburgh tomorrow. The dratted
devices also make it easier for managers in one time zone to spoil
the evenings of managers in another.
Employees find it ever harder to distinguish
between “on-time” and “off-time”—and indeed between real work and
make-work. Executives are lumbered with two overlapping workdays: a
formal one full of meetings and an informal one spent trying to
keep up with the torrent of e-mails and messages.
员工也很难区分“上班时间” 和“下班时间” 了——
None of this is good for businesspeople’s
marriages or mental health. It may be bad for business, too. When
bosses change their minds at the last minute, it is hard to plan
for the future. And several studies have shown what ought to be
common sense: that people think more deeply if they are not
constantly distracted.
What can be done to keep smartphones in their
place? How can we reap the benefits of connectivity without
becoming its slaves? One solution is digital dieting. Just as the
abundance of junk food means that people have to be more
disciplined about their eating habits, so the abundance of junk
information means they have to be more disciplined about their
browsing habits. Banning browsing before breakfast can reintroduce
a modicum of civilisation. Banning texting at weekends or, say, on
Thursdays, can really show the iPhone who is boss.
Together we can outsmart our
The problem with this approach is that it works
only if you live on a desert island or at the bottom of a lake. In
“Sleeping with Your Smartphone”, a forthcoming book, Leslie Perlow
of Harvard Business School argues that for most people the only way
to break the 247 habit5 is to act collectively rather than
individually. She tells the story of how one of the world’s most
hard-working organizations, the Boston Consulting Group, learned to
manage hyperconnectivity better. The firm introduced rules about
when people were expected to be offline, and encouraged them to
work together to make this possible. Many macho consultants mocked
the exercise at first—surely only wimps switch off their
smartphones? But eventually it forced people to work more
productively while reducing burnout.
但问题是除非你生活在荒岛上或者湖底世界,否则这种方法很难奏效。在一本即将出版的新书中,《与 “
Ms Perlow’s advice should be taken seriously.
The problem of hyperconnectivity will only get worse, as
smartphones become smarter and young
digital natives take over the workforce. People are handing ever
more of their lives over to their phones, just as James Fox handed
ever more of his life over to Dirk Bogarde. You can now download
personal assistants such as Apple’s Siri6 that tell you what is
on your schedule, and virtual personal trainers that urge you take
more exercise. Ofcom,
Britain’s telecommunications regulator, says that a startling 60%
of teenagers who use smartphones describe themselves as “highly
addicted” to their devices. So do 37% of adults.
The faster smartphones become and the
more alluring the apps that are devised for them, the stronger the
addiction will grow. Spouses can help by tossing the darned devices
out of a window or into a bucket of water7. But ultimately it is up
to companies to outsmart the smartphones by insisting that everyone
turn them off from time to time.
dissection n. 剖析
scheming adj. 诡计多端的
valet n. 男仆
dissolute adj. 放荡的,放纵的
exploit vt. 利用
turn the tables 扭转形势
cringing adj. 谄媚的,奉承的
minister to 照料
lordly adj. 高傲的
indictment n. 起诉,控告
fraught adj. 焦虑的,紧张的
empower vt. 授权,使能够
malodorous adj. 有恶臭的
tablet n. 平板电脑
slacker n. 偷懒的人
illusion n. 错觉
around the clock 昼夜不停的
be on call 随叫随到
think nothing of 不把……放在心里
sane adj. 心智健全的
guru n. 专家
identify n. 鉴定,识别
chime n. 鸣,钟
relentless adj. 不间断的
stimuli n. 刺激 (stimulus的复
intersperse vi. 撒布,点缀
glowing adj. 灼热的,强烈的
procrastination n. 拖延,耽搁
prune vt. 删除
bureaucracy n. 官僚制度
adhocracy n. 特别委员会制度
cult n. 狂热崇拜
minion n. 下属
dratted adj. 讨厌的
be lumbered with 拖累
overlapping adj. 相互重叠的
torrent n. 连续不断
modicum n. 少量
macho adj. 大男子主义的
mock vt. 嘲笑
wimp n. 懦弱的人
burnout n. 筋疲力尽
Ofcom 英国信息通信管
理局, 全称为Offi c eo f
startling adj. 惊人的
alluring adj. 诱惑的
darned adj. 可恨的
outsmart vt. 智胜
From The Economist, March 10,
1.“The Servant”: 指电影《仆人》。这部电影通过主仆之间的角色互换,深刻探讨了英国的阶级关系。
2. Harold Macmillan’s Britain: 意为哈罗德·麦克米伦当政时期的英国。Harold Macmillan
指是英国保守党的政治家哈罗德·麦克米伦,于1957 年至1963 年期间出任英国首相。
3 …by allowing people to get things done in spare moments that
would otherwise be wasted…: 句中“otherwise”相当于“if
people check
their smartphones
4. the glowing rectangle: 闪光的长方形,指发亮的手机屏幕。
5. the 247 habit: “247”是“24 hours a day and 7 days a
week”的缩略形式,常见于商业和工业领域,指提供全天候的、不间断的服务,即不管任何时候,白天或黑夜,都营业。“the 247
6. Apple’s Siri:
7. Spouses can help by tossing the darned devices out of a
window or into a bucket of water: 本句中的“help”意为“help the addiction
to smartphone
tossing the darned devices out of a window or into a bucket of
1. ①Smartphones and tablets can also promote efficiency ②by
allowing people to get things done in spare moments ③that would
otherwise be wasted, ④such as while queuing for coffee.
2. ①The problem with this approach is that ②it works ③only if
you live on a desert island or at the bottom of a lake.
3. ①The faster smartphones become and ②the more alluring the
apps ③that are devised for them, ④the stronger the addiction will
结构分析:这是一个带有定语从句和比较结构的复合句。①②③和④构成了一个“the more... the