The Ten Suggestions
给毕业生的十点建议 1
If you are not happy with yourself, even the loftiest achievement
is not going to bring you much satisfaction.
Dream Big Dreams
心怀远大梦想 13
It is your generation that will have the chance—and the
responsibility—to take the freedom movement to the next level.
Embodied in you are the hopes and dreams and aspirations of a truly
united America. It is only as one nation that we will be able to
face and conquer the challenges that the global economy as well as
science and technology have in store for us.
First Lady’s Three Questions
第一夫人的三个问题 23
That’s what’s always made this country great—embracing the
diversity of experience and opinion that surrounds us everywhere we
go. So I encourage you all—seek it out. Don’t just spend time with
people your own age—go to the local senior center and talk with
folks who have a little life experience under their belts. You
would be amazed at the wisdom they have to offer.
Participation and Perseverance
参与和坚持 37
The point is, if you are living your life to the fullest, you will
fail, you will stumble, you will screw up, you will fall down. But
it will make you stronger, and you’ll get it right the next time,
or the time after that, or the time after that. And that is not
only true for your personal pursuits, but it’s also true for the
broader causes that you believe in as well.
Join the Conspiracy of Love
加入爱心同盟 55
People who get comfortable of body get fat. People who get
comfortable of mind and intellect get dull. People who get
comfortable in their spirit, they miss what they were created for.
They were created to magnify the glory of the world, not simply
reduce in size and fail to reflect that spirit.
Leading a Rich Life
富足的人生 71
More than anything else, that will be the true measure of your
success—not how well you do when you’re healthy and happy and
everything is going according to plan, but what you do when life
knocks you to the ground and all your plans go right out the
window. In those darkest moments, you will have a choice: Do you
dwell on everything you’ve lost? Or do you focus on what you still
have, and find a way to move forward with passion, with
determination, and with joy?
Seven Tips to Win in the Game of Life
人生赛场制胜七招 85
The person who works the hardest and works with others the best,
who says “we” and “us”, and doesn’t use the words ‘I’ and ‘me’ is
the person who will win.
Responsibilities of an Education Person
文化人的责任 97
And those of us who live in the West and have ever come across the
Continental Divide know that they did it in covered wagons. And
they had to be optimists, because they didn’t even know what was on
the other side and they kept going anyway.
Let Your Dreams Be Your Only Limitations
让梦想成为你唯一的极限 113
As each of you looks toward your future, always focus on finding
that which you do well and that which you love doing. Do something
that gives you satisfaction every day and makes our society a
better place. Do something that helps your fellow citizens. Make
sure you give a good measure of your time, and your talent, and
your treasure in service to others.
How to Chart Your Course
如何规划人生蓝图 125
You will be a better advocate if you are honest, credible,
respected, and well liked by judges and adversaries and clients. Be
a good person, and you will be a better lawyer.
Seize the Opportunity of Change to Build a Better World
把握变化带来的机遇,打造更美好的世界 139
But apart from just noting such change, it is also important for us
to remember that the rate of change in our world fulfills a great
role. It challenges us but it also empowers us to shape the world
according to how we envision it. And it can open doors that society
has never before even imagined.
Carry the Dream Forward
逐梦前行 149
Pursue success. Do not falter. When you make it, pull somebody else
up. Preserve our dream. Remember your life is richer when people
around you have a shot at opportunity as well.
Build a World Every Child Deserves
建造每个孩子都应该拥有的世界 165
I’ve changed course and I’ve taken unexpected turns when my gut
dictated. That’s led me to places I never expected—but I’m grateful
I’ve been. So focus on what stirs your soul, because it’s hard to
excel at anything that you don’t love.
Will You Come to Serve
你是否愿意为国效力 177
Though there may be no straight paths in life, you will nonetheless
need to have some anchor points—a set of inner values or a higher
purpose to guide you.
Don’t Be Undone by Defeat
不要被失败打倒 189
We are all afraid of something, whether it’s failure, or
dispossession, or mortality, and the sacrifice of time that becomes
so precious to us. But we should not let the sensation of fear
convince us we are too weak to have courage. Fear is the
opportunity for courage, not proof of cowardice. No one is born a
coward. We were meant to love. And we were meant to have the
courage for it.
Education Fortifies You to Meet the Challenges of a Changing
世界天天在变,教育助你向前 199
We can’t stop these changes, but we can channel them, we can shape
them, we can adapt to them.
Unsolicited Advice and a Call to Arms
不请自来的忠告和战斗的号角 211
When you are old and gray, and look back on your life, you will
want to be proud of what you have done. The source of that pride
won’t be the things you have acquired or the recognition you have
received. It will be the lives you have touched and the difference
you have made.
Women’s Rights Are Human Rights
妇女的权利就是人类的权利 225
With that opportunity does come responsibility, because this new
era of diplomacy requires a new commitment to global service—a
continuing effort from each of you to help us tackle the most
urgent problems we face.
What You Do in the Valleys of Life Determines the Heights of
Your Peaks
人生谷底时的作为决定生命巅峰的高度 239
In the long run America will be known, not for what we’ve done over
these last years, but for what we’re about to do to come back. But
that will only be true—that will only be true if all of us do our
Choices and Change
变幻年代,抉择时刻 249
Your success as a family, our success as a society, depends not on
what happens in the White House, but on what happens inside your