編輯推薦: |
內容簡介: |
Introduction and Survey
1.1 Maxwell Equatio in Vacuum, Fields, and Sources
1.2 Invee Square Law, or the Mass of the Photon
1.3 Linear Superposition
1.4 Maxwell Equatio in Macroscopic Media
1.5 Boundary Conditio at Interfaces Between Different Media
1.6 Some Remarks on Idealizatio in Electromagnetism
References and Suggested Reading
Chapter 1 Introduction to Electrostatics
1.1 Coulomb''s Law
1.2 Electric Field
1.3 Gauss''s Law
1.4 Differential Form of Gauss''s Law
1.5 Another Equation of Electrostatics and the Scalar Potential
1.6 Surface Distributio of Charges and Dipoles and
Discontinuities in the Electric Field and Potential
1.7 Poisson and Laplace Equatio
1.8 Green''s Theorem
1.9 Uniqueness of the Solution with Dirichlet or Neumann
Boundary Conditio
1.10 Formal Solution of Electrostatic Boundary-Value Problem
with Green Function
1.11 Electrostatic Potential Energy and Energy Deity;
1.12 Variational Approach to the Solution of the Laplace and
Poisson Equatio
1.13 Relaxation Method for Two-Dimeional Electrostatic Problems
References and Suggested Reading
Chapter 2 Boundary-Value Problems in Electrostatics: Ⅰ
2.1 Method of Images
2.2 Point Charge in the Presence of a Grounded Conducting Sphere
2.3 Point Charge in the Presence of a Charged, Iulated,
Conducting Sphere
2.4 Point Charge Near a Conducting Sphere at Fixed Potential
2.5 Conducting Sphere in a Uniform Electric Field by Method of
2.6 Green Function for the Sphere; General Solution for the
2.7 Conducting Sphere with Hemispheres at Different Potentials
2.8 Orthogonal Functio and Expaio
2.9 Separation of Variables; Laplace Equation in Rectangular
2.10 A Two-Dimeional Potential Problem; Summation of Fourier
2.11 Fields and Charge Deities in Two-Dimeional Corne and Along
2.12 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis for Electrostatics
References and Suggested Reading
Chapter 3 Boundary-Value Problems in Electrostatics: Ⅱ
3.1 Laplace Equation in Spherical Coordinates
3.2 Legendre Equation and Legendre Polynomials
3.3 Boundary-Value Problems with Azimuthal Symmetry
3.4 Behavior of Fields in a Conical Hole or Near a Sharp Point
3.5 Associated Legendre Functio and the Spherical Harmonics
Ylmθ, φ
3.6 Addition Theorem for Spherical Harmonics
3.7 Laplace Equation in Cylindrical Coordinates; Bessel Functio
3.8 Boundary-Value Problems in Cylindrical Coordinates
3.9 Expaion of Green Functio in Spherical Coordinates
3.10 Solution of Potential Problems with the Spherical Green
Function Expaion
3.11 Expaion of Green Functio in Cylindrical Coordinates
3.12 Eigenfunction Expaio for Green Functio
3.13 Mixed Boundary Conditio, Conducting Plane with a Circular
References and Suggested Reading
Chapter 4 Multipoles, Electrostatics of Macroscopic
4.1 Multipole Expaion
4.2 Multipole Expaion of the Energy of a Charge Distribution in
an External Field
4.3 Elementary Treatment of Electrostatics with Ponderable Media
4.4 Boundary-Value Problems with Dielectrics
4.5 Molecular Polarizability and Electric Susceptibility
4.6 Models for Electric Polarizability
Chapter 5 Magnetostatics,Faraday''s Law,Quasi-Static Fields
Chapter 6 Maxwell Equatio, Macroscopic Electromagnetism,
Coervation Laws
Chapter 7 Plane Electromagnetic Waves and Wave Propagation
Chapter 8 Waveguides, Resonant Cavities, and Optical Fibe
Chapter 9 Radiating Systems, Multipole Fields and Radiation
Chapter 10 Scattering and Diffraction
Chapter 11 Special Theory of Relativity
Chapter 12 Dynamics of Relativistic Particles and Electromagnetic
Chapter 13 Collisio, Energy Loss, and Scattering of Charged
Particles, Cherenkov and Traition Radiation
Chapter 14 Radiation by Moving Charges
Chapter 15 Bremsstrahlung, Method of Virtual Quanta, Radiative
Beta Processes
Chapter 16 Radiation Damping, Classical Models of Charged
Appendix on Units and Dimeio