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『英文書』The OZ Complete Collection Volume 1 奥兹国故事集1(平装) ISBN9781442485471

書城自編碼: 2253944
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作 者: L. Frank Baum
國際書號(ISBN): 9781442485471
出版社: Simon & Schuster
出版日期: 2013-01-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 573/
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 551



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Oz, the Complete Collection, Volume 1: The Wonderful Wizard of OzThe Marvelous Land of OzOzma of Oz
Discover the marvelous land of Oz in this collection of the first three books in L. Frank Baum’s classic American fairy tale series. The first three books of the iconic Oz series, now in one collection! In The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Dorothy and her dog, Toto, find themselves in a strange land called Oz after their Kansas house is swept away by a cyclone. Here they meet the Munchkins and join the Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, and the Cowardly Lion on an unforgettable journey to the Emerald City, where the all-powerful Wizard of Oz lives. Can he help Dorothy return home? In The Marvelous Land of Oz, a young boy named Tip escapes from a witch and sets out to explore land of Oz. Along the way, he meets the Scarecrow and Tin Woodman, as well as some new friends like Jack Pumpkinhead and the Wooden Sawhorse. Eventually, Tip’s journey takes him to the Emerald City, where he realizes that his life will be changed forever. In Ozma of Oz, Dorothy is sailing to Australia when a huge storm washes her overboard. She only survives by clinging to a chicken crate. Eventually she and a yellow hen named Billina wash up on the magic shore of Ev where they meet the mechanical man Tik Tok. But Dorothy and Billina are taken prisoner by the evil Nome King who has captured the royal family of Ev. Only Ozma of Oz can save them, but will she be in time?
L. Frank Baum, Writer, born in Chittenango, New York, USA. A sickly child, he studied at home, became an actor 1870s, worked in the family oil business, then moved to South Dakota. While working as a journalist there, he wrote his first book, Father Goose: His Book, published in 1899 after he had moved to Chicago to work on a trade magazine for window decorators. It proved a success; but his next book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 1900, was even more successful, and he adapted it for the musical stage in 1901. After travelling to Europe, he settled in Pasadena, CA 1902, where he turned out 13 more books in the Oz series and many other children''s stories, mostly in the fantasy genre, using pen names such as Schuyler Staunton, Laura Bancroft, Captain Hugh Fitzgerald, Suzanne Metcalfe, Floyd Akens, and Edith Van Dyne. Although appreciated primarily as children''s tales, the Oz books have also been read as incorporating Baum''s views on American society.



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