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『英文書』Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present [Paperback]兔先生和可爱的礼物(凯迪克银奖,平装) ISBN9780064430203

書城自編碼: 2415827
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作 者: Zolotow, Charlotte 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9780064430203
出版社: HarperCollins
出版日期: 1997-10-01
版次: 1 印次: 1

書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 348



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Any collaborative effort by the esteemed Charlotte Zolotow and
the illustrious Maurice Sendak is bound to be a success. These
beloved creators of countless children''s favorites outdo themselves
with this 1963 Caldecott Honor-winning classic about a little girl
in need of assistance. Finding a birthday present for her mother is
no easy task for our heroine. Luckily, she happens upon the
avuncular Mr. Rabbit, whose heart is in the right place, even if he
doesn''t always have the best ideas.
Mr. Rabbit helps a little girl find a lovely present for her
mother, who is especially fond of red, yellow, green, and blue.
Charlotte Zolotow is a revered name in children''s literature.
She is a prolific, much-honored author with over seventy titles
published, including the classic Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely
Present,illustrated by Maurice Sendak, and the groundbreaking
William''s Doll, illustrated by William Péne du Bois
In addition, she has been a distinguished editor and publisher
she is now a HarperCollins Publisher Emerita, and by extension,
an innovative educator. Her editorial career began under the
brilliant Ursula Nordstrom, publisher of Harper Children''s Books.
The two shared a passionate belief: that children''s books should be
honest and faithful to the sometimes difficult but always intensely
felt experiences of childhood. They were certain that children were
capable of understanding the best work gifted artists and writers
could give them.
Charlotte Zolotow was born in 1915 in Norfolk, Virginia, but grew
up in several cities, including Detroit, New York, and Boston. She
attended the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and shortly
afterward returned to New York, where in 1938 she began working at
HarperCollins, then Harper Brothers.
She started as a secretary, but moved into an editorial career,
working with Ursula Nordstrom. Their shared beliefs and the
excitement of working with fine writers and artists brought to
Harper generations of extraordinary authors and illustrators and
gave Harper Children''s Books their fresh, innovative quality.
Talent was nurtured; books of lasting value were created, many
still loved and read decades after they were first published. As
Jean Mercier wrote in Publishers Weekly, Charlotte Zolotow would be
among the Who''s Who of any age, not only as the author of books of
her own, but as a force majeure behind many children''s books on the
distinctive list of Harper.
Charlotte Zolotow has received numerous awards and honors,
including the Regina Medal 2002 presented by the Catholic Library
Association, the University of Minnesota''s Irwin Kerlan Award
1986, the University of Southern Mississippi''s Silver Medallion
1990, the Christopher Award 1974, and the Harper Gold Medal for
Outstanding Editorial Achievement 1974. Of ongoing significance
is the award established in 1998 in her name by the University of
Wisconsin, Madison. The Charlotte Zolotow Award, presented annually
by the University''s Cooperative Center for Children''s Books, is
given annually to the author of the best picture book text
published in the United States in the preceding year.
The 1991 resolution of gratitude given to Charlotte Zolotow by
the American Library Association calls her contribution to
children''s literature far reaching. That reach extends far indeed.
It begins with the many books she has written carry her vision into
the hearts of children past, present, and future.
She has written more than seventy books for young children, many
of which -- have become picture-book classics.



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