★英国作家路易斯·卡罗的Alice in Wonderland 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》出版150周年重印纪念版。
★Walker将重新印制曾获格林纳威大奖,由插画大师 Helen Oxenbury 绘制的Alice in Wonderland and Alice Though the Looking Glasspaperback editions 的两本经典套装,铜版纸,每本200多页,共400多页。
For over a hundred years, Lewis Carroll''s classic stories of logic and lunacy have delighted young and old alike. Abundantly illustrated, these contemporary and accessible interpretations are full of warmth and humour. Alice herself is truly a child of our times – casually dressed, personable and spirited. In Helen Oxenbury''s hands, the topsy-turvy world of Wonderland is a wondrous place indeed!
Lewis Carroll was born on 27 January 1832. He studied at Christ Church, Oxford and went on to become a mathematics lecturer there from 1855 to 1881. Lewis Carroll''s most famous works are Alice''s Adventures in Wonderland published in 1865 and the sequel Alice Through the Looking-Glass, which contains the classic nonsense poem The Jabberwocky published in 1872.
刘易斯·卡罗尔(1832~1898)原名查尔斯·勒特威奇·道奇森Charles Lutwidge Dodgson英国柴郡达斯伯里人。1832年1月出生于英国柴郡的一个牧师家庭,1898年卒于萨里。他是位著名的数学家,有不少数学著作。卡罗尔是他发表《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》时首次使用的笔名。他多才多艺,兴趣广泛,在小说、童话、诗歌、逻辑等方面,都有很深的造诣。他是与安徒生、格林兄弟齐名的世界顶尖儿童文学大师。曾在牛津大学基督堂学院任教达30年之久,业余爱好非常广泛,尤其喜爱儿童肖像摄影。他的第一本童书《爱丽丝奇境历险记》(Alice in Wonderland )于1865年出版,当时就引起了巨大轰动,1871年又推出了续篇《爱丽丝镜中历险记》(Alice Though the Looking Glass),更是好评如潮。两部童书旋即风靡了整个世界,成为一代又一代孩子们乃至成人最喜爱的读物。