冷晓波,曾任联合国同声翻译,毕业于世界教学排名第一的美国明德文理学院蒙特雷高翻院校,其翻译专业全美排名第一,冷老师拥有极其纯正美式发音和美式思维体系,英语水平与母语相当。曾被中美关系委员会主席Stephen Orlins, Henry Ford 公司CEO-Gerard Van Grinsven 聘为私人传译。拥有多年口语教学经验及对考试有深刻精辟的研究,通过地道的美式思维及科学的系统训练,直击考试命脉。她已有多名学员成功克服托福口语提分难的问题,她的名校口语面试课已帮多名学子圆名校梦想。
Step 2:词组及短语
a bunch of 一群
a couple of friends 几个朋友
a field of study 研究领域
a great disturbance for... 成为一个巨大干扰
a great waste of time for us 对我们来说很浪费
a handful of people 少量的人
a pony tail 马尾
a positive attitude 积极的态度
a rushimpulse decision 草率的决定
a sense of accomplishment 成就感
a sense of refreshment 焕然一新的感觉
a student election 学生选举
a tourism attraction sight 城市旅游景点
a waste of 浪费
a waste of time 浪费时间
academic building 学术楼
academic excellence 学术突出
adapt to a situation 适应形势
add more diversity to our society 让社会更加多姿多彩
add up 把加起来
address the following questions 解决以下问题
Q34: A school is planning to organize students to visit the work place. Which place do you recommend: a science lab, a business office or a TV studio?
回答:Personally, I would recommend a business office if a school was planning to organize a work event because from the business office students can learn a lot about practical skills, such as the purchasing and selling of products. Moreover, they could learn valuable skills from different departments within the company, such as human resources and marketing. The skills students would learn and the perspectives gained while conversing with employees could be very helpful in their future careers. If students visited foreign-owned business offices, they could learn to listen and speak different languages. The benefits of visiting a foreign-owned business would be to also allow students to practice and converse in English with native speakers while learning about the company. In conclusion, I recommend visiting a business office if a school were planning a work trip because the practical experience and knowledge students can gain from the workplace are crucial and beneficial to their future success and endeavors.
Q35: Do you like to have a job that requires constant traveling or do you like a stable job that neednt a lot of traveling?
回答:I personally would like to have a job that re