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J.P.塞尔先生的《有限群导引》英文版终于出版了。对于塞尔先生读者一定不陌生,他是二十世纪最伟大的数学家之一,今年已经是90岁高龄了。维基百科这样写道:对代数拓扑、代数几何和代数数论做出了基础性的贡献。他于1954年获得菲尔兹奖, 2000年获得沃尔夫奖,2003年获得阿贝尔奖。
出版塞尔先生《有限群导引》一书,是一次偶然的机会,小编去清华大学丘成桐数学中心,见到了年纪轻轻就在数学顶级期刊《数学年刊》发表过文章的青年才俊于品老师。 于品老师在法国读的硕士,对塞尔先生甚是推崇,尤其是对他的著作赞不绝
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让-皮埃尔塞尔 (Jean-Pierre Serre),享有盛誉的法国著名数学家,主要的学术贡献领域是拓扑学、代数几何与数论。他曾获得多项重要的数学奖项,包括1954年的菲尔兹奖、2000年的沃尔夫数学奖与2003年的阿贝尔奖。他被公认为在数学写作方面世界上最好的三位数学家之一。
PrefaceConventions and Notation1 Preliminaries1.1 Group actions1.2 Normal subgroups, automorphisms, characteristic subgroups, simple groups1.3 Filtrations and Jordan-H?lder theorem1.4 Subgroups of products: Goursats lemma and Ribets lemma1.5 Exercises2 Sylow theorems2.1 Definitions2.2 Existence of p-Sylow subgroups2.3 Properties of the p-Sylow subgroups2.4 Fusion in the normalizer of a p-Sylow subgroup2.5 Local conjugation and Alperins theorem2.6 Other Sylow-like theories2.7 Exercises3 Solvable groups and nilpotent groups3.1 Commutators and abelianization3.2 Solvable groups3.3 Descending central series and nilpotent groups3.4 Nilpotent groups and Lie algebras3.5 Kolchins theorem3.6 Finite nilpotent groups3.7 Applications of 2-groups to field theory3.8 Abelian groups3.9 The Frattini subgroup3.10 Characterizations using subgroups generated by two elements3.11 Exercises4 Group extensions4.1 Cohomology groups4.2 A vanishing criterion for the cohomology of finite groups4.3 Extensions, sections and semidirect products4.4 Extensions with abelian kernel4.5 Extensions with arbitrary kernel4.6 Extensions of groups of relatively prime orders4.7 Liftings of homomorphisms4.8 Application to p-adic liftings4.9 Exercises5 Hall subgroups5.1 -subgroups5.2 Preliminaries: permutable subgroups5.3 Permutable families of Sylow subgroups5.4 Proof of theorem 5.15.5 Sylow-like properties of the -subgroups5.6...... 全部内容请购买实物书籍