Author''s Preface 自 序,Methodology 方法论,Team Members'' Messages 团队寄语,Notes 说 明,1 Waking up 叫 醒,2 Getting Dressed 穿衣服 ,3 Going to the Bathroom 如 厕,4 Brushing Your Teeth 刷 牙,5 Washing Your Face 洗 脸,6 Breastfeeding 喂母乳,7 Making Formula 冲奶粉,8 Having a Meal 吃 饭,9 Putting on Your Shoes 穿 鞋 ,10 Going for a Walk 散 步,11 Eating Fruit 吃水果,12 Changing a Diaper 换纸尿裤,13 Taking a Bath 洗 澡 ,14 Reading a Picture Book 读绘本 ,15 Putting the Child to Bed 哄 睡,16 Sleeping 睡觉中,17 Bodily Functions 身体机能,18 Injuries and Pains 受伤和疼痛 ,19 Getting Vaccinated 打疫苗 ,20 Safety First 安全第一 ,21 Electrical Safety 用电安全,22 Crossing the Street 过马路,23 Traveling in a Car 坐汽车,24 Doing Housework 做家务,25 Shopping at a Supermarket 逛超市,26 Kindergarten, Here I Come 幼儿园,我来啦 ,27 Catching up with the Teacher 和老师聊聊 ,28 Summer 夏 天,29 Mosquitos at Home 家有蚊子,30 Winter 冬 天