雷蒙德·诺伊(Raymond Noe) 俄亥俄州立大学Robert and Anne Hoyt管理学讲席教授,曾任教于密歇根州立大学管理系及明尼苏达大学卡尔森管理学院产业关系中心。研究领域及讲授课程涵盖人力资源管理、管理技能、定量方法、人力资源信息系统、培训、员工开发、绩效管理、组织行为等方面。在国际权威学术期刊上发表了大量论文,并担任多家学术期刊的编委。因其杰出的教学与研究成果荣获多个奖项,包括Ernest J. McCormick奖。
约翰·霍伦贝克(John Hollenbeck) 密歇根州立大学杰出教授,伊莱·布罗德商学院Eli Broad讲席教授。发表关于团队决策和工作动机的学术论文90多篇,被引用超过6 000次。
巴里·格哈特(Barry Gerhart) 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校商学院Bruce R. Ellig杰出讲席教授,曾在康奈尔大学、范德堡大学担任部门主任、区域协调员,在威斯康星大学担任高级副院长。
帕特里克·赖特(Patrick Wright) 南卡罗来纳大学达拉·摩尔商学院教授、高管项目中心主任,研究领域为战略人力资源管理,特别关注企业如何利用人才作为竞争利器。发表研究文章60多篇。
1 Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage
Enter the World of Business: The Evolution of HRM Practices at IBM
What Responsibilities and Roles Do HR Departments Perform?
Strategic Role of the HRM Function
Competitive Challenges Influencing Human Resource Management
Meeting Competitive Challenges through HRM Practices
Organization of This Book
PART 1 The Human Resource Environment
2 Strategic Human Resource Management
Enter The World of Business: GE: The Fall of an Iconic Company
What Is a Business Model?
What Is Strategic Management?
Strategy Formulation
Strategy Implementation
The Role of Human Resources in Providing Strategic Competitive Advantage
3 The Analysis and Design of Work
Enter the World of Business: The Workerless Economy: The Future That Never Arrives
Work-Flow Analysis and Organization Structure
Job Analysis
Job Design
PART 2 Acquisition and Preparation of Human Resources
4 Human Resource Planning and Recruitment
Enter the World of Business: Labor Force Drop Outs: Not Employed and Yet?DNot Unemployed
The Human Resource Planning Process
The Human Resource Recruitment Process
5 Selection and Placement
Enter the World of Business: When Strangers Meet in a World with No Background Checks
Selection Method Standards
Types of Selection Methods
6 Training
Enter the World of Business: AT&T: Staying Competitive by Helping Employees Update Their Skills and Careers
Training: Its Role in Continuous Learning and Competitive Advantage
Designing Effective Formal Training Activities
Evaluating Training Programs
Special Training Issues
PART 3 Assessment and Development of Human Resources
7 Performance Management
Our intent is to provide students with the background to be successful HRM professionals,to manage human resources effectively, and to be knowledgeable consumers of HRM products.Managers must be able to identify effective HRM practices to purchase these services from a consultant, to work with the HRM department, or to design and implement them personally.Human Resources Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage,12th edition, emphasizes how a manager can more effectively manage human resourcesand highlights important issues in current HRM practice.
Human Resources Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage represents a valuableapproach to teaching human resource management for several reasons:
?The text draws from the diverse research, teaching, and consulting experiences of four authors who have taught human resource management to undergraduates,traditional day MBA students as a required and elective course, and more experienced managers and professional employees in weekend and evening MBA programs. The teamwork approach gives a depth and breadth to the coverage that is not found in other texts.
? Human resource management is viewed as critical to the success of a business. The text emphasizes how the HRM function, as well as the management of human resources, can help companies gain a competitive advantage.
?The book discusses current issues such as artificial intelligence and robotics, use of nontraditional employment relationships, big data, talent management, diversity, and the employee experience, all of which have a major impact on business and HRM practice.
? Strategic human resource management is introduced early in the book and integrated throughout.
? Examples of how new technologies are being used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of HRM practices are provided throughout.
? We provide examples of how companies are evaluating HRM practices to determine their value.
Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Adva