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書城自編碼: 3971039
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→教材研究生/本科/专科教材
作 者: 王玉春
國際書號(ISBN): 9787030783301
出版社: 科学出版社
出版日期: 2024-03-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 449



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ContentsPart Ⅰ Anatomical Structure of Circulatory SystemChapter 1 General Description 11.1 Heart 11.2 Artery 11.3 Capillary 11.4 Vein 11.5 Vascular Anastomoses 2Summary 2Chapter 2 Heart 32.1 Position, Shape and Adjacent Structures 32.2 Chambers of the Heart 52.3 Structure of the Heart 72.4 Conduction System of the Heart 82.5 Vessels of the Heart 92.6 Pericardium 10Summary 11Chapter 3 Artery 123.1 Arteries of Pulmonary Circulation 123.2 Arteries of Systemic Circulation 12Summary 21Chapter 4 Vein 224.1 Pulmonary Veins 224.2 Systemic Veins 22Summary 27Part Ⅱ Cardiovascular HistologyChapter 5 The Histological Structure of Circulatory System 285.1 Capillaries 285.2 Structural Features of Blood Vessels 305.3 Arteries 315.4 Veins 335.5 Heart 34Summary 36Part Ⅲ Cardiovascular PhysiologyChapter 6 Overview of the Cardiovascular System 376.1 Cardiovascular System 376.2 Heart 386.3 Vasculature 39Summary 39Chapter 7 Characteristics of Cardiac Muscle Cells 417.1 Electrical Activity of Cardiac Muscle Cells 417.2 Cardiac Muscle Contraction 43Summary 44Chapter 8 Pump Function 458.1 Cardiac Cycle 458.2 Heart Sounds 468.3 Measurement of Cardiac Function 468.4 Determinants of Cardiac Output 468.5 Influences on Stroke Volume 478.6 Cardiac Function Curves 47Summary 48Chapter 9 Electrocardiogram 499.1 Basic Features of Electrocardiogram 499.2 Standard 12-lead Electrocardiogram 50Summary 50Chapter 10 Vascular Physiology 5210.1 Classification of Blood Vessels 5210.2 Resistance of Blood Flow 5310.3 Blood Pressure 5310.4 Formation of Arterial Blood Pressure 5310.5 Influences on Arterial Blood Pressure 5410.6 Venous Pressure 55Summary 55Chapter 11 Regulation of Arterial Pressure 5611.1 Arterial Baroreceptor Reflex 5611.2 Reflexes from Receptors in Heart & Lungs 5711.3 Chemoreceptor Reflex 5811.4 Fluid Balance & Arterial Pressure 58Summary 59Part IV Pathologic Circulatory SystemChapter 12 Pathologic Circulatory System 6012.1 General Description 6012.2 Atherosclerosis 6012.3 Hypertension 6512.4 Rheumatism 6612.5 Infective Endocarditis 67Summary 68Part Ⅴ Cardiovascular PathophysiologyChapter 13 Shock 6913.1 Etiology and Classification 6913.2 Pathogenesis of Shock 6913.3 Alterations of Metabolism and Function 7413.4 Features of Several Common Types of Shock 7513.5 Pathophysiologic Basis of Prevention and Treatment 76Summary 76Chapter 14 Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury 7714.1 Etiology 7714.2 Pathogenesis of Ischemia-reperfusion Injury 7714.3 Alterations of Function and Metabolism 8014.4 Pathophysiologic Basis of Prevention and Treatment 81Summary 82Chapter 15 Heart Failure 8315.1 Etiology 8315.2 Classification 8315.3 Compensatory Responses 8415.4 Pathogenesis of Heart Failure 8615.5 Clinical Manifestations 8815.6 Pathophysiologic Basis of Prevention and Treatment 89Summary 89Part Ⅵ Drugs Affecting the Circulatory SystemChapter 16 Drugs Used in Heart Failure 9016.1 General Description 9016.2 Diuretics 9116.3 Inhibitors of Renin-Angiotensin System 9116.4 Inotropic Agents 9216.5 β-Adrenoreceptor Antagonists 9416.6 Direct Vasodilators 94Summary 94Chapter 17 Antiarrhythmic Drugs 9517.1 Cause of Arrhythmia 9517.2 Mechanism of Antiarrhythmic Drugs 9517.3 ClassificationofAntiarrhythmic Drugs9617.4 Specific Antiarrhythmic Drugs 96Summary 98Chapter 18 Antianginal Drugs 10018.1 General Description 10018.2 Nitrate Esters 10018.3 β-Adrenoreceptor Antagonists 10118.4 Calcium Channel Blockers 102Summary 104Chapter 19 Antihypertensive Drugs 10519.1 Classification of Antihypertensive Drugs 10519.2 Commonly Used Antihypertensive Drugs 10519.3 Other Antihypertensive Drugs 107Summary 107Chapter 20 Antiatherosclerotic Drugs 10920.1 General Description 10920.2 Blood-Lipid Modulators 10920.3 Antioxidants 11320.4 Polyene Fatty Acids 11320.5 Mucopolysaccharides and Polysaccharides 114Summary 114REFERENCES 116



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