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大書城 以“ 全文 模式”搜“ Cynthia Rylant辛西娅·赖蓝特 ”共有 243 結果: 支援简体 / 繁體 / 正體字輸入搜索
Mr. Putter & Tabby P Mr. Putter & Tabby P
作者:Cynthia Rylant 著,Arthur Howard  出版:Houghton Mifflin  日期:1995-09-01
It is fall and juicy things are growing in Mr. Putter’s backyard--apples, tomato ...
售價:NT$ 302

Mr. Putter & Tabby P Mr. Putter & Tabby P
作者:Cynthia Rylant 著,Arthur Howard  出版:Houghton Mifflin  日期:1994-03-01
“The gentle, affecting first volume introduces elderly Mr. Putter, who decides that a cat will keep ...
售價:NT$ 302

Mr. Putter & Tabby R Mr. Putter & Tabby R
作者:Cynthia Rylant 著,Arthur Howard  出版:Houghton Mifflin  日期:1997-03-01
It is HOT. Mr. Putter and his fine cat, Tabby, are sweating. Their neighbors Mrs. Teaberry and her g ...
售價:NT$ 302

Mr. Putter & Tabby F Mr. Putter & Tabby F
作者:Cynthia Rylant 作者,Arthur Howar  出版:Houghton Mifflin  日期:1997-03-01
Mr. Putter loves toys. He’s old and he knows he shouldn’t love them anymore. But he does. His fine c ...
售價:NT$ 302

Mr. Putter & Tabby P Mr. Putter & Tabby P
作者:Cynthia Rylant 著,Arthur Howard  出版:Houghton Mifflin  日期:2001-10-01
Mr. Putter wants to paint his porch. He has a bucket of pink paint, a big brush, and some rags. And ...
售價:NT$ 302

Mr. Putter & Tabby C Mr. Putter & Tabby C
作者:Cynthia Rylant 著,Arthur Howard  出版:Houghton Mifflin  日期:2003-10-01
Even though Tabby tries to keep him warm, Mr. Putter catches a cold in this cozy ...
售價:NT$ 302

Mr. Putter & Tabby S Mr. Putter & Tabby S
作者:Cynthia Rylant 著, Arthur Howar  出版:Houghton Mifflin  日期:2004-09-01
Mr. Putter and Tabby's plans to cook a pot of homemade soup goes to the dogs--thanks to Mrs. Teaberr ...
售價:NT$ 302

Mr. Putter & Tabby S Mr. Putter & Tabby S
作者:Cynthia Rylant 著,Arthur Howard  出版:Houghton Mifflin  日期:2007-10-01
Mrs. Teaberry announces that she's starting a knitting club, and Mr. Putter is happy to help out. Bu ...
售價:NT$ 302

Mr. Putter & Tabby S Mr. Putter & Tabby S
作者:Cynthia Rylant 著,Arthur Howard  出版:Houghton Mifflin  日期:2008-09-01
When Mr. Putter eats twenty-one pineapple jelly rolls, he ends up with a grumbling tummy. Worse, he ...
售價:NT$ 302

Mr. Putter & Tabby F Mr. Putter & Tabby F
作者:Cynthia Rylant 著,Arthur Howard  出版:Houghton Mifflin  日期:2002-03-01
Mr. Putter and Tabby love going to the fish store. Mr. Putter loves it because he has always liked f ...
售價:NT$ 302

Mr. Putter & Tabby D Mr. Putter & Tabby D
作者:Cynthia Rylant 著,Arthur Howard  出版:HMH Books for Young Reade  日期:2013-09-01
Mr. Putter knows what he likes, and dancing isnoton the list. But his neighbor Mrs. Teaberry has bee ...
售價:NT$ 302

Mr. Putter & Tabby R Mr. Putter & Tabby R
作者:Cynthia Rylant 著,Arthur Howard  出版:Houghton Mifflin  日期:2010-01-01
Mrs. Teaberry has persuaded Mr. Putter to sign up for the seniors' marathon. First prize is golf clu ...
售價:NT$ 302

Mr. Putter & Tabby S Mr. Putter & Tabby S
作者:Cynthia Rylant 著,Arthur Howard  出版:Houghton Mifflin  日期:2010-09-01
Mr. Putter can’t imagine why anyone would need to know one hundred ways to cook beans. His neighbor ...
售價:NT$ 302

Mr. Putter & Tabby C Mr. Putter & Tabby C
作者:Cynthia Rylant 著,Arthur Howard  出版:Houghton Mifflin Har  日期:2011-09-01
Mr. Putter and his fine cat, Tabby, are itchy. Not because of fleas, but because it is hot, they're ...
售價:NT$ 302

Mr. Putter & Tabby R Mr. Putter & Tabby R
作者:Cynthia Rylant 作者,Arthur Howar  出版:HMH Books for Young Reade  日期:2012-09-01
Dong! Dong! Dong! The school bell is ringing. The crispy fall wind is blowing. Mr. Putter wishes he ...
售價:NT$ 302

Mr. Putter & Tabby D Mr. Putter & Tabby D
作者:Cynthia Rylant 作者, Arthur Howa  出版:HMH Books for Young Reade  日期:2014-11-01
Mr. Putter and his fine cat, Tabby, love to take naps — too many naps. What they need is a sport! Lu ...
售價:NT$ 302

The Thing Luck about The Thing Luck about
作者:Cynthia Kadohata 著,Julia Kuo 绘  出版:Simon & Schuster  日期:2014-06-01
There is bad luck, good luck, and making your own luck—which is exactly what Summer must do to save ...
售價:NT$ 348

They Called Her Moll They Called Her Moll
作者:Anne Rockwell 著,Cynthia von Bu  出版:Random House US  日期:2006-08-01
The rousing true tale of an American Revolution heroine. When her husband joined General Washington ...
售價:NT$ 435

长青藤国际大奖小说书系:明天会有好运气 长青藤国际大奖小说书系:明天会有好运气
作者:【美】辛西娅·角畑 著,柳漾 译  出版:云南出版集团公司 晨光出版社  日期:2015-05-01
★国际权威奖项美国国家图书奖金奖作品,文学性与故事性并重,属于国际一流水准的儿童小说。 ★美国著名儿童文学作家、纽伯瑞文学奖金奖得主辛西娅·角畑励志暖心之作。 ...
售價:NT$ 166

灯塔之家系列4:章鱼的礼物(凯迪克、纽伯 灯塔之家系列4:章鱼的礼物(凯迪克、纽伯
作者:辛西娅·劳伦特 (Rylant C.),普莱斯顿·马克丹尼斯  出版:新蕾出版社  日期:2015-05-01
●一首关于家、爱与成长的颂歌, ●一套帮助孩子养成独自阅读习惯的经典的桥梁书! ●凯迪克、纽伯瑞双项大奖作家辛西娅·劳伦特感人力作! ●美国亚马逊五星图书 ...
售價:NT$ 247

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