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新小农阶级:世界农业的趋势与模式(修订版 新小农阶级:世界农业的趋势与模式(修订版
作者:[荷]扬·杜威·范德普勒格[Jan Douwe van de  出版:社会科学文献出版社  日期:2016-12-01
数百年来,小农阶级无所不在,但人们过去很少对小农阶级加以探问。在现实生活中,这一阶层的人,从属与抗逆,谦卑与向往自由,丑陋与庄严,这些相互对立的要素紧密交织着, ...
售價:NT$ 668

暖暖爱儿童亲情培养绘本--我爱你和世界一 暖暖爱儿童亲情培养绘本--我爱你和世界一
作者:[英]大卫·范·伯伦[David Van Buren] 文   出版:化学工业出版社  日期:2017-05-01
大熊和小熊深深爱着彼此。他们的爱爬上高山,远到星辰,深入海底,足以填满整个世界。父母和孩子之间的爱到底有多少呢?在书中有形象而准确的描述:我爱你和世界一样大,我爱你和海洋一样深,我爱你和太阳一样亮。我 ...
售價:NT$ 121

父母艺术力: 简单易行的家庭艺术创造活动 父母艺术力: 简单易行的家庭艺术创造活动
作者:【美】琼·范·胡勒JEAN VAN’T HUL 著 薛 玮   出版:重庆出版社  日期:2016-10-01
除了给孩子读睡前故事和准备可口又营养的饭菜,让家庭充满艺术和创造将是父母为孩子做出的最好选择! 书中推荐超过60个适合1-8岁孩子进行的艺术活动,个个都让人惊喜。 培养家庭艺术力必备手册,对孩子进 ...
售價:NT$ 743

Be a Friend to Trees Be a Friend to Trees
作者:Lauber, Patricia 编  出版:HarperCollins  日期:1994-01-01
Why should you be a friend to trees? Trees are a valuable natural resource. P ...
售價:NT$ 299

I Can Name 50 Trees I Can Name 50 Trees
作者:Bonnie Worth 著,Aristides Ruiz,  出版:Random House US  日期:2006-02-01
While stopping to admire some of the world’s most amazing trees, the Cat and Co. teach beginning rea ...
售價:NT$ 452

Harry Potter and the Harry Potter and the
作者:J. K. Rowling 编著  出版:Bloomsbury  日期:2014-09-01
When Dumbledore arrives at Privet Drive one summer night to collect Harry Potter, his wand hand is b ...
售價:NT$ 551

Harry Potter and the Harry Potter and the
作者:J. K. Rowling 著  出版:Bloomsbury  日期:2014-09-01
I've yet to meet a ten-year-old who hasn't been entranced by its witty, complex ...
售價:NT$ 418

Harry Potter and the Harry Potter and the
作者:J. K. Rowling   出版:Bloomsbury  日期:2014-09-01
Harry Potter has never even heard of Hogwarts when the letters start dropping on the doormat at numb ...
售價:NT$ 418

Who Was Harry Houdin Who Was Harry Houdin
作者:Tui Sutherland 著, John O'Brie  出版:Penguin  日期:2002-07-01
Every kid has heard of Harry Houdini, the famous magician who could escape from handcuffs, jail cell ...
售價:NT$ 302

Harry Potter And The Harry Potter And The
作者:J. K. Rowling,Jim Kay  出版:Scholastic  日期:2015-10-06
Harry Potter has never been the star of a Quidditch team, scoring points while r ...
售價:NT$ 2065

Harry and the Lady N Harry and the Lady N
作者:Zion, Gene 著  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2008-01-17
Harry,themischievouslittlewhitedogwithblackspots,trieseverythinghecanthinkoftogettheladynextdoortost ...
售價:NT$ 499

Harry Takes a Bath ( Harry Takes a Bath (
作者:本社 编  出版:Penguin  日期:2013-01-01
When Harry Hippo takes a bath, look out!Harry wants fo be clean, but he wants to play, too.What fun ...
售價:NT$ 203

Harry and the Lady N Harry and the Lady N
作者:Zion, Gene 著  出版:HarperCollins  日期:1978-04-01
Harry's had it! The lady next door sings too loudly and too often, but every time Harry tries to s ...
售價:NT$ 197

Harry Potter Page to Harry Potter Page to
作者:Bob McCabe  出版:Harper Design   日期:2011-10-25
Look Inside Harry Potter Page to Screen Click on the images below to open lar ...
售價:NT$ 3144

The Complete Harry P The Complete Harry P
作者:J.K. Rowling 著  出版:Bloomsbury  日期:2013-11-01
The complete collection of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter novels, with stunning new ...
售價:NT$ 3468

The Horse in Harry's The Horse in Harry's
作者:Syd Hoff 著  出版:HarperCollins  日期:1999-01-01
Harry keeps a horse in his room. A trusty horse only he can see. But then his parents take him to t ...
售價:NT$ 197

Harry Potter Poster Harry Potter Poster
作者:Warner  出版:Hachette  日期:2013-11-01
Filled with dazzling images from the very first Harry Potter film to the epic finale, this unique p ...
售價:NT$ 742

Lego:Harry Potter We Lego:Harry Potter We
作者:DK 著  出版:Egmont  日期:2011-06-01
Rediscover life at Hogwarts with LEGO Harry Potter! Based on LEGO's most popular range of toys, th ...
售價:NT$ 400

Harry the Dirty Dog Harry the Dirty Dog
作者:Gene Zion 著,Margaret Bloy Grah  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2010-05-01
Harry is a white dog with black spots who hates to take a bath. One day he gets so dirty he has bl ...
售價:NT$ 394

No Roses for Harry! No Roses for Harry!
作者:Zion, Gene 著  出版:HarperCollins  日期:1976-10-01
The popular hero of Harry the Dirty Dog does his best to be rid of Grandmother’s birthday present—a ...
售價:NT$ 348

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