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Crucial Conversations: Tools f Crucial Conversations: Tools f
作者:Kerry Patterson  出版:McGraw-Hill Education  日期:2011-09-07
售價:NT$ 1945

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Modern Art Desserts: Recipes f Modern Art Desserts: Recipes f
作者:Caitlin Freeman  出版:Ten Speed Press   日期:2013-04-16
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作者:David LaRochelle  出版:Dial   日期:2013-04-18
售價:NT$ 713

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Vintage Fashion and Couture: F Vintage Fashion and Couture: F
作者:Hubert de Givenchy  出版:Firefly Books Ltd   日期:2013-09-12
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作者:Stephen Bailey  出版:Routledge  日期:2014-11-22
售價:NT$ 3859

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作者:William Dalrymple  出版:Vintage   日期:2014-01-14
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The Book of F#: Breaking Free The Book of F#: Breaking Free
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作者:Christopher Danielson  出版:For Dummies  日期:2015-04-06
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作者:Adnan Masood  出版:Packt Publishing Limited   日期:2015-06-29
售價:NT$ 3457

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作者:Lemony Snicket  出版:Little, Brown Books for Y  日期:2015-09-22
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作者:Paul Tornetta III MD  出版:LWW  日期:2016-03-25
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作者:Bud Johnson  出版:Dover Publications  日期:2011-12-31
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