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Managing Projects: E Managing Projects: E
作者:Harvard Business School Press  出版:Harvard Business Review P  日期:2006-04-01
售價:NT$ 866

William Morris and E William Morris and E
作者:Caroline Arscott  出版:Yale University Press   日期:2008-10-03
售價:NT$ 6418

Horton Hatches The E Horton Hatches The E
作者:Dr Seuss  出版:Kaiseisha/Tsai Fong Books  日期:2008-11-01
售價:NT$ 3602

Buddha: A Story of E Buddha: A Story of E
作者:Deepak Chopra  出版:HarperOne  日期:2008-03-01
售價:NT$ 1189

Waiting for Godot (E Waiting for Godot (E
作者:Samuel Beckett  出版:Grove Press   日期:2011-05-17
售價:NT$ 649

The Arabian Nights E The Arabian Nights E
作者:Andrew Lang  出版:Rarebooksclub.com   日期:2012-07-10
售價:NT$ 1937

Alexander McQueen: E Alexander McQueen: E
作者:Katherine Gleason  出版:Race Point Publishing   日期:2012-09-24
售價:NT$ 1487

Classico e Moderno: Classico e Moderno:
作者:Thomas Keller  出版:Ballantine Books   日期:2013-11-05
售價:NT$ 2132

Frozen in Time: An E Frozen in Time: An E
作者:Mitchell Zuckoff  出版:Harper   日期:2013-04-23
售價:NT$ 1230

The Art of Robert E The Art of Robert E
作者:Robert E. McGinnis  出版:Titan Books   日期:2014-11-11
售價:NT$ 1634

Frozen in Time: An E Frozen in Time: An E
作者:Mitchell Zuckoff  出版:Harper Perennial  日期:2014-04-29
售價:NT$ 678

Wreck This Journal E Wreck This Journal E
作者:Keri Smith  出版:Penguin Books  日期:2014-06-03
售價:NT$ 427

Follow That Easter E Follow That Easter E
作者:Trey King  出版:Scholastic Trade   日期:2015-01-27
售價:NT$ 236

Alexander McQueen: E Alexander McQueen: E
作者:Katherine Gleason  出版:Race Point Publishing   日期:2015-03-05
售價:NT$ 937

Everything Lovely, E Everything Lovely, E
作者:HOLLOWELL, JENNY  出版:Holtzbrinck Publishe  日期:
售價:NT$ 992

How Things Work -- E How Things Work -- E
作者:Scott MacNeill  出版:Dover Publications  日期:2013-12-01
售價:NT$ 380

Numbers Guide: The E Numbers Guide: The E
作者:The Economist; Richard Stutele  出版:Profile Books Ltd  日期:2003-04-24
Suitable for those who want to be competent, and able to communicate effectively ...
售價:NT$ 2142

Land of a Thousand E Land of a Thousand E
作者:Peter Olszewski  出版:Allen & Unwin  日期:2005-10-01
A narrative about life in modern Myanmar, providing an account of one of the mos ...
售價:NT$ 1071

Fast Japanese with E Fast Japanese with E
作者:Elisabeth Smith  出版:Hodder & Stoughton Genera  日期:2011-06-24
In just 45 minutes a day for only six weeks speak Japanese you can use! ...
售價:NT$ 1418

Design Matters: An E Design Matters: An E
作者:"Capsule"; Michelle Taute; Mau  出版:Rockport Publishers Inc.  日期:2011-10-01
售價:NT$ 2268

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