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Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What D Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What D
作者:Bill Martin 著, Eric Carle 绘  出版:Henry Holt and Co. (BYR)   日期:1991-10-01
What will you hear when you read this book to a preschool child? Lots of noise! Children will ...
售價:NT$ 847

G&D Vintage:The Too Little Fir G&D Vintage:The Too Little Fir
作者:Jane Flory 著  出版:Penguin  日期:2015-02-01
The little red fire engine wants a big job—but he’s quite little! After putting out small sparks at ...
售價:NT$ 400

G&D Vintage : The Noisy Clock G&D Vintage : The Noisy Clock
作者:Jean Horton Berg,Art Seiden  出版:Penguin  日期:2015-02-01
Discover a treasure trove of beautifully illustrated books with our series, Grosset Dunlap Vintage! ...
售價:NT$ 400

G&D Vintage : The Bingity-Bang G&D Vintage : The Bingity-Bang
作者:Fleur Conkling 著,Ruth Wood 译  出版:Penguin  日期:2015-06-01
Discover a treasure trove of beautifully illustrated books with our new series, G+D Vintage! Featuri ...
售價:NT$ 400

The Mirror Crack'd from Si The Mirror Crack'd from Si
作者:阿加莎·克里斯蒂 (Agatha Christie)  出版:Harper   日期:2002-06-05
售價:NT$ 458

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What D Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What D
作者:Eric Carle  出版:Puffin   日期:1999-04-29
售價:NT$ 470

Tess of the D'Urbervilles Tess of the D'Urbervilles
作者:Thomas Hardy,Tim Dolin,Margare  出版:Penguin Classics   日期:2009-10-27
售價:NT$ 1003

Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What D Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What D
作者:Eric Carle  出版:Puffin   日期:2007-06-28
售價:NT$ 470

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What D Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What D
作者:Eric Carle  出版:Puffin  日期:2007-06-28
售價:NT$ 470

Merriam-webster's Pocket D Merriam-webster's Pocket D
作者:Merriam-Webster  出版:Merriam Webster,U.S.  日期:2006-06-30
售價:NT$ 176

Primer on the Metabolic Bone D Primer on the Metabolic Bone D
作者:Clifford J. Rosen,Roger Bouill  出版:Wiley-Blackwell  日期:2013-08-26
售價:NT$ 9003

Illustrated English Spelling D Illustrated English Spelling D
作者:Alex Latimer  出版:Usborne Publishing Ltd   日期:2013-12-01
售價:NT$ 897

Show Time!: Music, Dance and D Show Time!: Music, Dance and D
作者:Lisa Bany-Winters  出版:Chicago Review Press   日期:2000-03-01
售價:NT$ 1465

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What D Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What D
作者:Bill Martin  出版:Henry Holt and Co. BYR Pa  日期:2014-01-01
艾瑞·卡尔Eric Carle,著名儿童读物作家,他独创的拼贴画创作在儿童绘本界屡获大奖。经典的Brown Bear小熊系列,以鲜艳的图案与押韵重复的句式,深受2~4岁刚刚接触英语的宝宝喜爱,家长在朗 ...
售價:NT$ 796

睡前5分钟故事D卷 睡前5分钟故事D
作者:芦长萍  出版:北京日报出版社(原同心出版社)  日期:2015-09-30
故事是孩子认识世界的最好开端,睡前讲故事是亲子沟通的最佳方式。哈利熊睡前故事明月系列丛书《睡前5分钟好故事》分为ABCDE五本,汇集古今中外的经典故事及国内优秀儿童文学作家的原创精品,内容精彩生动,语 ...
售價:NT$ 149

Peter Rabbit Animation: Best D Peter Rabbit Animation: Best D
作者:Based 著  出版:Penguin  日期:2015-01-01
Can Peter and friends solve the mystery of his dad's long-lost flying machine? Peter, Lily and Benja ...
售價:NT$ 290

Ten Types of Innovation: The D Ten Types of Innovation: The D
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售價:NT$ 1733

Boundaries in Dating: Making D Boundaries in Dating: Making D
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售價:NT$ 1193

Doré's Illustrations for D Doré's Illustrations for D
作者:Gustave Doré  出版:Dover Publications   日期:1982-07-01
售價:NT$ 844

Henry and Mudge and the Best D Henry and Mudge and the Best D
作者:Cynthia Rylant  出版:Turtleback Books  日期:1999-10-01
售價:NT$ 1055

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