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桂冠经典童话世界大师绘本·奥茨国的魔法师 桂冠经典童话世界大师绘本·奥茨国的魔法师
作者:原著:L·弗朗克·鲍姆  出版:南京大学出版社  日期:2013-01-01
来自德国绘画大师的精彩绘本,童话故事寓意深远。是亲子阅读的最佳良伴。 ...
售價:NT$ 277

Our Only May Amelia 我们唯一的梅·阿米莉 Our Only May Amelia 我们唯一的梅·阿米莉
作者:Holm,Jennifer L 著  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2000-08-01
梅是一个充满活力、热爱冒险的女孩,这可让父母头疼坏了,19世纪的淑女应该有的样子,她完全没有。梅总是想,如果她不是生活在纳赛尔河沿岸的唯一女孩的话,麻烦也许会少 ...
售價:NT$ 348

National Geographic Readers, L National Geographic Readers, L
作者:Laura  出版:Random House  日期:2012-04-01
Butterflies are all around us. It's hard to believe these majestic insects with impressive wingspan ...
售價:NT$ 203

National Geographic Readers, L National Geographic Readers, L
作者:Laura  出版:Random House  日期:2012-04-01
From geckos to iguanas, kimodo dragons to chameleons, lizards are about the most awesome animal aro ...
售價:NT$ 203

National Geographic Readers, L National Geographic Readers, L
作者:Kathy  出版:Random House  日期:2012-08-01
From dazzling gemstones to sparkling crystals to molten lava, this brilliantly illustrated book int ...
售價:NT$ 203

National Geographic Readers, L National Geographic Readers, L
作者:Kitson  出版:Random House  日期:2012-12-01
The most effective method used to influence children to read is to incorporate the information that ...
售價:NT$ 203

Peking University Journal of L Peking University Journal of L
作者:郭雳  出版:北京大学出版社  日期:2013-06-01
"Diversity"mightbethefirstimpressionwhenreadingthisforthvolumeofPekingUniversityJournalofLegalStudie ...
售價:NT$ 391

The Art Of The Trade: What I L The Art Of The Trade: What I L
作者:Jason  出版:Wiley  日期:2008-10-01
An eye–opening account of the commodity brokerage industry and how to survive and thrive within it ...
售價:NT$ 1502

股东民主论(L) 股东民主论(L)
作者:赵金龙  出版:人民出版社  日期:2013-05-01
《股东民主论》对股东民主问题进行全面系统地分析和研究,理论联系实际,既着眼于股东民主基础理论的阐述,又探讨股东民主践行机制和路径以及我国股东民主制度的完善和创新 ...
售價:NT$ 242

L`America(ISBN=9780156032360) L`America(ISBN=9780156032360)
作者:Martha McPhee 著  出版:Houghton Mifflin Har  日期:2007-04-01
In the brilliant Greek sunshine of a small Aegean island, Beth and Cesare meetbeginning a transform ...
售價:NT$ 702

Shackleton`s Way: Leadership L Shackleton`s Way: Leadership L
作者:Margot Morrell,Stephanie Cappa  出版:Penguin  日期:2002-08-01
Sir Ernest Shackleton has been called "the greatest leader that ever came on God's earth, bar none" ...
售價:NT$ 557

In the Night Garden: Bedtime L In the Night Garden: Bedtime L
作者:本社 编  出版:Egmont  日期:2011-03-01
Rediscover your favourite characters from "In the Night Garden" in a whole new way! This "Bedtime L ...
售價:NT$ 400

Curious George Curious About L Curious George Curious About L
作者:H. A. Rey 著  出版:Houghton Mifflin Har  日期:2012-05-08
七十多年来,“好奇猴乔治”的冒险精神以及强烈的好奇心让小盆友们纷纷爱上了学习。 为小朋友们量身定做的学习套装更是可以激发孩子们的好奇心,配合好奇猴字母表以及各 ...
售價:NT$ 853

National Geographic Readers, L National Geographic Readers, L
作者:Laura Marsh[劳拉·马什]  出版:Random House  日期:
Do wolves really howl when the moon is full? Are they really ancestors of our p ...
售價:NT$ 203

苏轼哲学思想研究(L) 苏轼哲学思想研究(L)
作者:刘燕飞 著  出版:人民出版社  日期:2014-06-01
本书系统介绍了苏轼的哲学思想。从宏观上来看,苏轼首先是一位大文学家,追求审美意义上的超越之情是他哲学的一个特色。苏轼哲学以人生领域为核心,格外关注不得志人生境遇下人的精神解放问题,他的答案就是超越、愉 ...
售價:NT$ 198

National Geographic Readers, L National Geographic Readers, L
作者:  出版:Random House  日期:
From visiting the pumpkin patch, to bobbing for apples, to picking out a favori ...
售價:NT$ 203

National Geographic Readers, L National Geographic Readers, L
作者:  出版:Random House  日期:
This brilliantly illustrated book taps into children's natural curiosity about ...
售價:NT$ 203

National Geographic Readers, L National Geographic Readers, L
作者:  出版:Random House  日期:
Did you know that the deep-sea anglerfish has a glowing fishing rod attached to ...
售價:NT$ 203

National Geographic Readers, L National Geographic Readers, L
作者:  出版:Random House  日期:
Just in time for the 100 year anniversary, National Geographic brings the story ...
售價:NT$ 203

National Geographic Readers, L National Geographic Readers, L
作者:  出版:Random House  日期:
The most effective method used to influence children to read is to incorporate ...
售價:NT$ 203

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