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Maisy at the Beach 梅 Maisy at the Beach 梅
作者:本社 编著  出版:  日期:2013-03-01
If gou're crazg for Maisg, gou'U love this colourfui sticker book! Spend the dag on the beach with ...
售價:NT$ 319

Little Critter Phoni Little Critter Phoni
作者:HarperCollins  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2014-01-01
Learn to read with Little Critter This 12-book program helps build a foundation for a lifetime of re ...
售價:NT$ 650

Dinosaur Deals (Math Dinosaur Deals (Math
作者:Murphy, Stuart J. 著  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2001-08-01
Using dinosaur trading cards as a theme, Murphy explores the concept of equival ...
售價:NT$ 299

Why I Sneeze, Shiver Why I Sneeze, Shiver
作者:Berger,Melvin 著  出版:HarperCollins  日期:1999-12-01
Ka-choo Brrr. Yawnnnn.Have you ever wondered what makes you sneeze when you're in a dusty room? Or ...
售價:NT$ 299

Sounds All Around (L Sounds All Around (L
作者:Pfeffer, Wendy 著  出版:HarperCollins  日期:1998-12-12
Sounds are all around us.Clap your hands, snap your fingers: You're making sounds. Read and find ou ...
售價:NT$ 299

Cracking the TOEFL i Cracking the TOEFL i
作者:Princeton Review 著  出版:Random House  日期:2014-05-01
This text and accompanying MP3 CD features everything you need to master the speaking, listening, re ...
售價:NT$ 1740

拆建废料的回收利用 基于LEED的工具包 拆建废料的回收利用 基于LEED的工具包
作者:[美]温克勒 著  出版:哈尔滨工业大学出版社  日期:2014-06-01
《拆建废料的回收利用:基于LEED的工具包影印版英文》内容简介:This GreenSource guide offers comprehensive information on how to re ...
售價:NT$ 702

Mummy Laid An Egg!妈妈 Mummy Laid An Egg!妈妈
作者:Babette Cole 著  出版:Random House  日期:1995-06-01
Just how are babies made? Erm Well. . . they're delivered by dinosaurs squidged out of tubes and fou ...
售價:NT$ 557

Just a Minute!: A Tr Just a Minute!: A Tr
作者:Yuyi Morales 著  出版:  日期:2003-11-01
In this original trickster tale, Senor Calavera arrives unexpectedly at Grandma Beetle's door. He re ...
售價:NT$ 863

作者:Educational Testing Service 著  出版:McGraw-Hill  日期:2012-07-01
If you're looking for the best, most authoritative guide to the GRE revised General Test, you've fou ...
售價:NT$ 1438

Miss Nelson Is Missi Miss Nelson Is Missi
作者:Harry G. Allard Jr 著  出版:Houghton Mifflin Har  日期:1985-01-01
So begins this quirky classic, first published in 1977 and still relevant today as a lighthearted re ...
售價:NT$ 378

Badger's Fancy Meal獾 Badger's Fancy Meal獾
作者:Keiko Kasza 著  出版:Penguin  日期:2009-05-01
Badger just can?t face eating the same old apples, worms, and roots. They?re too boring! He dreams o ...
售價:NT$ 348

Green Eggs and Ham C Green Eggs and Ham C
作者:Georgeanne Brennan 著, Dr. Seus  出版:Random House US  日期:2006-10-01
Ever wonder what green eggs and ham really taste like? They're yummy. And now everyone can whip up a ...
售價:NT$ 847

Wonder奇迹ISBN97805525 Wonder奇迹ISBN97805525
作者:R J Palacio 编著  出版:Random House US  日期:2013-01-01
My name is August. I won't describe what I look like. Whatever you're thinking, it's probably worse. ...
售價:NT$ 365

Big Nate:Great Minds Big Nate:Great Minds
作者:Lincoln Peirce 编著  出版:Simon & Schuster  日期:2014-04-01
Two heads are better than one, except when they're crashing into each other! But that won't prevent ...
售價:NT$ 542

Olivia Meets Olivia[ Olivia Meets Olivia[
作者:Ellie O'Ryan 编著  出版:Simon & Schuster  日期:2010-04-01
When a new girl joins Mrs. Hoggenmuller's class, Olivia is very upset--they're both named Olivia! Ol ...
售價:NT$ 378

The Headless Cupid ( The Headless Cupid (
作者:Zilpha Keatley Snyder,Alton Ra  出版:Simon & Schuster  日期:2009-07-01
When the four Stanley children meet Amanda, their new stepsister, they're amazed to learn that she s ...
售價:NT$ 348

How to Be a Baby...b How to Be a Baby...b
作者:Sally Lloyd-Jones 著, Sue Heap   出版:Random House US  日期:2011-05-01
Take it from the narrator of this book, an all-knowing big sister: when you're a baby you don't read ...
售價:NT$ 378

Haunted House [Hardc Haunted House [Hardc
作者:Jan Pienkowski 著  出版:Walker Books Ltd  日期:2005-10-01
Enjoy a tour of this spooky old house where a spine-tingling surprise lurks in every dark corner. Re ...
售價:NT$ 1073

Geronimo Stilton #61 Geronimo Stilton #61
作者:Stilton,Geronimo 著  出版:Scholastic Paperbacks (20  日期:2015-10-01
When you're with me, Geronimo Stilton, it's always a fabu-mouse adventure Sally Ratmousen broke so ...
售價:NT$ 365

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