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Makers: The New Industrial Rev Makers: The New Industrial Rev
作者:Chris Anderson  出版:Crown Business   日期:2012-10-02
售價:NT$ 1178

The Land of Stories: The Encha The Land of Stories: The Encha
作者:Chris Colfer  出版:Little, Brown Books for Y  日期:2013-08-06
售價:NT$ 733

The Land of Stories: The Encha The Land of Stories: The Encha
作者:Chris Colfer  出版:Little, Brown Books for Y  日期:2014-06-03
售價:NT$ 335

The Land of Stories: The Wishi The Land of Stories: The Wishi
作者:Chris Colfer  出版:Little, Brown Books for Y  日期:2013-07-02
故事之地系列童话故事不同于其他的童话故事,内容非常的有趣。不仅孩子喜欢看,大人拿起来也是爱不释手。这是**本,封面非常吸引人,大约32开的,拿在手里也很舒服,很 ...
售價:NT$ 362

Struck By Lightning: The Carso Struck By Lightning: The Carso
作者:Chris Colfer  出版:Little, Brown Books for Y  日期:2013-11-05
售價:NT$ 456

Struck By Lightning: The Carso Struck By Lightning: The Carso
作者:Chris Colfer  出版:Little, Brown Books for Y  日期:2012-11-20
售價:NT$ 815

The Land of Stories: A Grimm W The Land of Stories: A Grimm W
作者:Chris Colfer  出版:Little, Brown Books for Y  日期:2014-07-08
售價:NT$ 573

The Land of Stories: A Grimm W The Land of Stories: A Grimm W
作者:Chris Colfer  出版:Little, Brown Books for Y  日期:2015-06-09
Conner Bailey thinks his fairy-tale adventures are behind him--until he discovers a mysterious clue ...
售價:NT$ 325

The Land of Stories Book 4 The Land of Stories Book 4
作者:Chris Colfer  出版:Little, Brown Books for Y  日期:2015-07-07
售價:NT$ 749

Oh No, George! Oh No, George!
作者:Chris Haughton  出版:Candlewick   日期:2012-03-13
售價:NT$ 1189

Ar Strae Beagan (A Bit Lost) - Ar Strae Beagan (A Bit Lost) -
作者:Chris Haughton  出版:Walker Books Ltd   日期:2012-09-06
售價:NT$ 639

Unstoppable: Finding Hidden As Unstoppable: Finding Hidden As
作者:Chris Zook  出版:Harvard Business School P  日期:2007-05-03
售價:NT$ 1467

Materials for Design Materials for Design
作者:Chris Lefteri  出版:Laurence King Publishing  日期:2014-05-19
售價:NT$ 1583

Adventures from the Land of St Adventures from the Land of St
作者:Chris Colfer  出版:Hachette  日期:2015-10-27
读者对象: 8 - 12 岁 语种: 英语 ...
售價:NT$ 1560

The Island of Dr. Libris The Island of Dr. Libris
作者:Chris Grabenstein  出版:Listening Library   日期:
售價:NT$ 1487

The Adventures of a South Pole Pig The Adventures of a South Pole Pig
作者:Chris Kurtz  出版:Houghton Mifflin   日期:
售價:NT$ 324

The Land of Stories The Land of Stories
作者:Chris Colfer  出版:Little Brown & Co   日期:
售價:NT$ 927

Mr. Lemoncello's Library O Mr. Lemoncello's Library O
作者:Chris Grabenstein  出版:Listening Library   日期:
售價:NT$ 1060

Audrey Hepburn, Level 2, Pengu Audrey Hepburn, Level 2, Pengu
作者:Chris Rice  出版:Pearson Education ESL  日期:2000-04-07
售價:NT$ 1268

Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest K Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest K
作者:Chris Ware  出版:Pantheon   日期:2000-09-12
售價:NT$ 1298

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