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大書城 以“ 精确 模式”搜“ 戴维R 安德森 David R Anders ”共有 2710 結果: 支援简体 / 繁體 / 正體字輸入搜索
财产与德性:费希特的社会与政治哲学 财产与德性:费希特的社会与政治哲学
作者:David James  出版:知识产权出版社  日期:2016-04-13
西方传统经典与解释 德意志古典法学 德意志法哲学系列 理清德意志古典法学来龙去脉,旁及之前于之后德国政治哲学与法哲学的发展,展示德意志古 ...
售價:NT$ 225

3-D Coloring Book--G 3-D Coloring Book--G
作者:Hop David  出版:Dover Publications  日期:2011-11-01
售價:NT$ 760

Knight Life Knight Life
作者:Peter David  出版:Dover Publications  日期:2016-04-01
售價:NT$ 988

Northwest Coast Indi Northwest Coast Indi
作者:David Rickman  出版:Dover Publications  日期:1989-12-01
售價:NT$ 253

Plains Indians Color Plains Indians Color
作者:David Rickman  出版:Dover Publications  日期:1983-08-01
售價:NT$ 316

Surreal Visions Colo Surreal Visions Colo
作者:Hop David  出版:Dover Publications  日期:2012-09-01
售價:NT$ 608

A Thousand Paths to A Thousand Paths to
作者:David Baird  出版:Octopus Publishing Group  日期:2000-08-01
From the cradle to the grave, wisdom - of our lack of it - influences our daily ...
售價:NT$ 536

Characters of Tolkie Characters of Tolkie
作者:David Day  出版:Octopus Publishing Group  日期:2001-10-17
This is a comprehensive, illustrated guide to all the living creatures, both flo ...
售價:NT$ 662

A Thousand Paths to A Thousand Paths to
作者:David Baird  出版:Octopus Publishing Group  日期:2002-07-31
Some of us see the glass as half empty - others see it as half full. Those who c ...
售價:NT$ 536

Tranquil Thoughts on Tranquil Thoughts on
作者:David Baird  出版:Octopus Publishing Group  日期:2003-05-01
The value of friendship cannot be measured. Friends share our happiness and our ...
售價:NT$ 599

Tranquil Thoughts on Tranquil Thoughts on
作者:David Baird  出版:Octopus Publishing Group  日期:2003-05-01
售價:NT$ 599

1000 Reasons to be H 1000 Reasons to be H
作者:David Baird  出版:Octopus Publishing Group  日期:2003-11-16
We sometimes forget about all the reasons we have to be happy. When we get entre ...
售價:NT$ 536

A Thousand Paths to A Thousand Paths to
作者:David Baird  出版:Octopus Publishing Group  日期:2003-11-27
Friendship is one of the greatest single feelings mankind can experience and one ...
售價:NT$ 536

Dealing with Financi Dealing with Financi
作者:David Shirreff  出版:Profile Books Ltd  日期:2004-05-27
Presents the concept of financial risk and the realties of financial risk manage ...
售價:NT$ 2142

A Thousand Paths to A Thousand Paths to
作者:David Baird  出版:Octopus Publishing Group  日期:2005-01-27
Presents little motivational keys with which to wind creative mechanism and get ...
售價:NT$ 536

Art of the Celts Art of the Celts
作者:David Sandison  出版:Octopus Publishing Group  日期:2005-09-10
售價:NT$ 536

Financial Statements Financial Statements
作者:David Hey-Cunningham  出版:Allen & Unwin  日期:2006-03-01
Most people do not really understand the information that is presented in financ ...
售價:NT$ 2142

A Thousand Paths to A Thousand Paths to
作者:David Baird  出版:Octopus Publishing Group  日期:2006-09-07
Did you know that you can make your own luck? This book presents 1000 ways to th ...
售價:NT$ 536

Teach Yourself Bridg Teach Yourself Bridg
作者:David Bird  出版:Hodder & Stoughton Genera  日期:2006-09-29
A step-by-step approach to the game of bridge, suitable both for the beginner an ...
售價:NT$ 851

Teach Yourself Card Teach Yourself Card
作者:David Parlett  出版:Hodder & Stoughton Genera  日期:2006-09-29
Contains several card games to appeal to different tastes - from Bridge to poker ...
售價:NT$ 945

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