Unit 1社会生活
McDonald’s Vegetarian Restaurant in India印度的麦当劳全素食餐厅
Denmark’s Measures to Boost the National Birthrate丹麦的“鼓励生育”政策
Winter Time and Summer Time in Russia俄罗斯的夏令时和冬令时
Ghosts for Sale出卖魂魄
Cinema Ninjas电影院里的黑衣忍者
Feral Cats Rampant in the Middle East中东野猫肆虐
Family Stuff展览家庭
The Value for Sorry道歉的价值
Up in Smoke戒烟行动
Very Superstitious非常迷信
Virtual Lives虚拟人生
Unit 2环球视野
The Great Queue of China中国长“队”
Berlin Nightclubs柏林的夜总会
Pianos on the Scrapheap萧条的钢琴市场
Baby Panda Dies熊猫宝宝不幸夭折
Too Posh To Work上层社会不工作
British-version Lolita英国上演现实版洛丽塔
Overseas Adoption of African Children海外领养非洲儿童
Nicolas Sarkozy’s Knowledge of Flowers萨科奇的花卉知识
Fireworks for a Diamond Queen女王钻石庆典的烟花秀
Mushrooms Help Fighting Hunger in Ruanda蘑菇拯救卢旺达
Unit 3全球经济
Unemployment Fallen in America美国失业率下降
The Cost of Ageing Populations 人口老龄化的代价
Broadband for Africa非洲的新宽带
Two Risks to the Global Economy全球经济的两大危机
Deteriorations: Hoisting A Red Flag颓市恶化,危机预警
China’s Economic Prospects中国经济的前景
Chaos in South Africa Mining Industry南非矿业骚乱
Greece Facing Dilemma希腊进退两难
IMF “Blind to Crisis”国际货币基金组织未能预示经济危机
Cloudy European Economies阴云笼罩欧洲经济
Unit 4热点聚焦
Apple without Steve Jobs乔帮主退隐江湖,苹果公司何去何从
Children in the New Media Age新媒体时代的儿童
Japanese Debris from the Tsunami All at Sea含辐射的日本海啸垃圾漂洋过海
China’s Economic Target中国经济的雄心
Facebook Versus Google脸书和谷歌公关冲突
Go and Find a Job快去找份工作
A Transformation of the World Energy Market世界能源市场大变革
The Demographic Transition世界人口过渡期
Unemployment While Openings Spread诸多职位空缺与失业率上升的矛盾
First Anniversary for Chile’s Survivors in the Mine Disaster智利矿工获救
1 周年
China’s Migrant Labor中国的劳动力迁移
Unit 5政坛风云
Travelling with Hilary与希拉里同行
Internet Privacy网络隐私权
Palestinian Groups Meet巴勒斯坦各政党会面
Violence in Rakhine State of Burma缅甸若开邦发生骚乱
Disputes in Syria Deteriorates叙危机持续升级
Doubt on Campaign Coffers of Politicians美国大选资金来源遭疑
Unit 6国际局势
A Free Syrian Army叙利亚自由军
Cholera in Haiti海地发生霍乱
No Future for Libya利比亚的未来堪忧
World Hunger Overestimated联合国高估世界饥饿人口数字
American Amateur Films Resulted in Attacks美国业余影片引来祸端
China Offered $20 Billion in Loans to Africa中国向非洲国家提供 200
Peaceful Mopti平静的莫普提
Unit 7人文科教
BBC’s Programs Face CutsBBC 节目面临削减
BBC Is Going to Change Its StrategyBBC 将要改变战略
BBC May Won’t Target to Please EveryoneBBC 或许不再专注服务大众
Be Brainy, Be Bilingual想要聪明就学习两种语言
New Words in Dictionary字典里的新单词
Protecting Shipwrecks保护沉船遗址
Silent Hunters沉默的捕猎者
An Ice Treat for Animals给动物降温
Lost City失落的古城
Unit 8英伦风情
Are British Stiff Upper Lip英国人真的很严肃吗
The Big Ben都市掠影——大本钟
Wallis Simpson Trapped by Royal Relationship温莎公爵夫人被王室婚姻所困
Countryside Rambling漫步英国乡间
Learn Irish English学习爱尔兰英语
Knitting a Revival织毛活儿再度兴起
Raining Cats and Dogs英国的瓢泼大雨
Rejecting Oxford拒绝牛津大学
The Shard Stands Tall over London碎片大厦高耸伦敦
Britain Seems to be Developing Green Fingers越来越多英国人发现园艺乐趣
The Controversial Rastamouse一只引起争议的老鼠
The Living Artwork真人雕艺术
Unit 9医疗健康
Calorie Counting Menus in Ireland爱尔兰餐厅推出热量菜单
Sight Problems of Asian Students亚洲学生的视力问题
Eat less, Live Longer少吃更长寿
The Myth of the Eight-Hour Sleep8 小时睡眠的科学性
When Life Loses Its Smell当生命失去它的气味
Euthanasia—Who Should Make the Choice安乐死——生存还是毁灭,该是谁的选择
Colorful but Dangerous漂亮但危险
What it Takes To Climb Helps Cure Diseases登山造福重症患
Chocolate Helps Win the Nobel Prize巧克力帮助诺贝尔获奖人得奖
Unit 10科研尖端
Where There Is Water, There Is Life有水的地方就有生命
Great Contributions of www万维网的伟大贡献
Shrinking Fish in Hot Water水温高鱼变小
Artist Gets “Third Eye”艺术安上了“第三只眼”
South Pole Celebration发现南极百年庆典
Bird or Dinosaur是鸟还是恐龙
Toilets of the Future未来的厕所
Living on Another Planet生活在另一个星球
Women’s Eggs and Men’s Sperm for Sale买卖人体生殖细胞
Lonely Planet“流浪星球”
Unit 11影视娱乐
Adele Triumphs at the Brits阿黛尔全英音乐奖上满载而归
Shakespeare’s Secrets Living Place莎士比亚故居的秘密
Sherlock Holmes Returns福尔摩斯再度归来
Spy Undercover—Charm of 007地下间谍——007 的性感魅力
Superman’s Career Crisis超人陷入职业危机
Venezuela’s Beauty school委内瑞拉的选美学校
Mrs. Thatcher’s Later Years铁娘子的晚年生活
“The Avengers”《复仇者联盟》
$ 65 Million for a Prince Charming家有蕾丝女,五亿为招婿
I Am Bruce Lee我是李小龙
Making the Sound in Horror Movie解密恐怖电影声效制作
Unit 12体育赛事
Roger Federer Got Beaten ATP总决赛费天王折腰
England Footballers Crash Out欧洲杯英格兰被淘汰
Women on the Ball英国女子足球职业联赛
Football Ticket Tension足球购票局势紧张
NBA News ExpressNBA 新闻快报
UEFA Champions League News Express欧洲冠军联赛新闻快报
The Crying Games哭泣运动会
The Alternative Games另类运动竞赛
Spain Reign at Euro 20122012 年欧洲杯西班牙夺冠
Paralympic Facts残奥会常识
Qatar’s Hot World Cup卡塔尔炎热世界杯