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『簡體書』Windows 程序设计(第6版 英文版)(上、下册)

書城自編碼: 2129576
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→計算機/網絡程序設計
作 者: [美]Charles
國際書號(ISBN): 9787115329769
出版社: 人民邮电出版社
出版日期: 2013-09-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 1105/1684000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 1376



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经典图书《Windows程序设计》的最新版。Windows 8编程的第一书。微软出版社出品,权威得以保证
针对windows8 操作系统全新改写。专注于使用c#,XAML和windowsruntime创建应用。
在第一部分中对基本技能进行了介绍。在第二部分中充实windows8 的知识。提供详实的c#和c++代码示例。
《Windows 程序设计第6版 英文版》系经典图书《Windows程序设计》的第6版,全书为最新的Windows 8操作系统进行了改写。作者在《Windows 程序设计第6版 英文版》中细致地介绍了如何使用现有的C#技能和XAML以及Windows Runtime,创建全屏幕的Windows 8触摸应用程序,内容包括创建和初始化对象、管理和试验动态布局、创建Windows Runtime库、使用MVVM进行数据绑定和控制、使用及编写异步方法、动画过渡和创建2D和3D特效等,此外书中还介绍了操纵位图和富文本、使用GPS和方向传感器、调用Win32和DirectX函数、启用共享、搜索和打印等应用开发技能。
《Windows 程序设计第6版 英文版》适合各个层级的Windows开发爱好者阅读使用。
Charles Petzold编写《Windows程序设计》一书已有25年。他曾经获得过Windows Pioneer奖,是经典之作《Windows程序设计》、广受欢迎的《Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware》和《Software, Programming Windows Phone 7》以及其他10余本专著的作者。
Chapter 1 Markup and Code 3
 The First Project 3
 Graphical Greetings 9
 Variations in Text 13
 Media As Well 22
 The Code Alternatives 23
 Images in Code 27
 Not Even a Page 29
Chapter 2 XAML Syntax 31
 The Gradient Brush in Code 31
 Property Element Syntax 34
 Content Properties 37
 The TextBlock Content Property 41
 Sharing Brushes and Other Resources 43
 Resources Are Shared 47
 Exploring Vector Graphics 48
 Stretching with Viewbox 58
 Styles 60
 A Taste of Data Binding 66
Chapter 3 Basic Event Handling 69
 The Tapped Event 69
 Routed Event Handling 72
 Overriding the Handled Setting 78
 Input, Alignment, and Backgrounds 80
 Size and Orientation Changes 83
 Bindings to Run? 87
 Timers and Animation 89
Chapter 4 Presentation with Panels 97
 The Border Element 97
 Rectangle and Ellipse 101
 The StackPanel 103
 Horizontal Stacks 106
 WhatSize with Bindings and a Converter 108
 The ScrollViewer Solution 112
 Layout Weirdness or Normalcy? 118
 Making an E-Book 119
 Fancier StackPanel Items 122
 Deriving from UserControl 124
 Creating Windows Runtime Libraries 127
 The Wrap Alternative 130
 The Canvas and Attached Properties 132
 The Z-Index 136
 Canvas Weirdness 137
Chapter 5 Control Interaction 139
 The Control Difference 139
 The Slider for Ranges 141
 The Grid 146
 Orientation and Aspect Ratios 152
 Slider and the Formatted String Converter 154
 Tooltips and Conversions 154
 Sketching with Sliders 157
 The Varieties of Button Experience 159
 Defi ning Dependency Properties 167
 RadioButton Tags 177
 Keyboard Input and TextBox 184
 Touch and Thumb 187
Chapter 6 WinRT and MVVM 193
 MVVM Brief and Simplifi ed 193
 Data Binding Notifi cations 194
 A View Model for ColorScroll 196
 Syntactic Shortcuts 201
 The DataContext Property 204
 Bindings and TextBox 206
 Buttons and MVVM 212
 The DelegateCommand Class 213
Chapter 7 Asynchronicity 221
 Threads and the User Interface 221
 Working with MessageDialog 222
 Callbacks as Lambda Functions 228
 The Amazing await Operator 229
 Cancelling an Asynchronous Operation 231
 Approaches to File IO 233
Application Local Storage 234
File Pickers 234
Bulk Access 235
 File Pickers and File IO 235
 Handling Exceptions 240
 Consolidating Async Calls 241
 Streamlined File IO 243
 Application Lifecycle Issues 245
 Your Own Asynchronous Methods 250
Chapter 8 App Bars and Popups 261
 Implementing Context Menus 261
 The Popup Dialog 265
 Application Bars 268
 The Application Bar Button Style 271
 Inside the Segoe UI Symbol Font 276
 App Bar CheckBox and RadioButton 283
 An App Bar for a Note Pad 286
 Introducing XamlCruncher 293
 Application Settings and View Models 308
 The XamlCruncher Page 311
 Parsing the XAML 316
 XAML Files In and Out 318
 The Settings Dialog 322
 Beyond the Windows Runtime 327
Chapter 9 Animation 329
 The Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation Namespace 329
 Animation Basics 330
 Animation Variation Appreciation 334
 Other Double Animations 340
 Animating Attached Properties 347
 The Easing Functions 350
 All-XAML Animations 359
 Animating Custom Classes 364
 Key Frame Animations 367
 The Object Animation 371
 Predefi ned Animations and Transitions 373
Chapter 10 Transforms 377
 A Brief Overview 377
 Rotation Manual and Animated 380
 Visual Feedback 386
 Translation 388
 Transform Groups 391
 The Scale Transform 396
 Building an Analog Clock 400
 Skew 406
 Making an Entrance 409
 Transform Mathematics 410
 The CompositeTransform 418
 Geometry Transforms 421
 Brush Transforms 422
 Dude, Where’s My Element? 427
 Projection Transforms 430
 Deriving a Matrix3D 437
Chapter 11 The Three Templates 449
 Data in a Button 450
 Making Decisions 460
 Collection Controls and the Real Use of DataTemplate 463
 Collections and Interfaces 474
 Tapping and Selecting 475
 Panels and Virtualizing Panels 481
 Custom Panels 484
 The Item Template Bar Chart 497
 The FlipView Control 500
 The Basic Control Template 502
 The Visual State Manager 513
 Using generic.xaml 520
 Template Parts 521
 Custom Controls 530
 Templates and Item Containers 535
Chapter 12 Pages and Navigation 539
 Screen Resolution Issues 539
 Scaling Issues 545
 Snap Views 549
 Orientation Changes 554
 Simple Page Navigation 557
 The Back Stack 562
 Navigation Events and Page Restoration 564
 Saving and Restoring Application State 568
 Navigational Accelerators and Mouse Buttons 572
 Passing and Returning Data 575
 Visual Studio’s Standard Templates 581
 View Models and Collections 588
 Grouping the Items 608
Chapter 13 Touch, Etc. 615
 A Pointer Roadmap 616
 A First Dab at Finger Painting 619
 Capturing the Pointer 622
 Editing with a Popup Menu 630
 Pressure Sensitivity 633
 Smoothing the Tapers 637
 How Do I Save My Drawings? 646
 Real and Surreal Finger Painting 647
 A Touch Piano 649
 Manipulation, Fingers, and Elements 655
 Working with Inertia 663
 An XYSlider Control 667
 Centered Scaling and Rotation 673
 Single-Finger Rotation 676
Chapter 14 Bitmaps 683
 Pixel Bits 684
 Transparency and Premultiplied Alphas 691
 A Radial Gradient Brush 696
 Loading and Saving Image Files 703
 Posterize and Monochromize 714
 Saving Finger Paint Artwork 722
 HSL Color Selection 747
 Reverse Painting 758
 Accessing the Pictures Library 763
 Capturing Camera Photos 772
Chapter 15 Going Native 779
 An Introduction to PInvoke 780
 Some Help 786
 Time Zone Information 786
 A Windows Runtime Component Wrapper for DirectX 808
 DirectWrite and Fonts 809
 Confi gurations and Platforms 821
 Interpreting Font Metrics 824
 Drawing on a SurfaceImageSource 831
Chapter 16 Rich Text 845
 Private Fonts 847
 A Taste of Glyphs 850
 Font Files in Local Storage 852
 Typographical Enhancements 856
 RichTextBlock and Paragraphs 858
 RichTextBlock Selection 862
 RichTextBlock and Overfl ow 862
 The Perils of Pagination 870
 Rich Editing with RichEditBox 877
 Your Own Text Input 886
Chapter 17 Share and Print 893
 Settings and Popups 894
 Sharing Through the Clipboard 898
 The Share Charm 903
 Basic Printing 904
 Printable and Unprintable Margins 911
 The Pagination Process 915
 Custom Printing Properties 922
 Printing a Monthly Planner 928
 Printing a Range of Pages 937
 Where To Do the Big Jobs? 948
 Printing FingerPaint Art 948
Chapter 18 Sensors and GPS 953
 Orientation and Orientation 953
 Acceleration, Force, Gravity, and Vectors 958
 Follow the Rolling Ball 969
 The Two Norths 973
 Inclinometer = Accelerometer + Compass 976
 OrientationSensor = Accelerometer + Compass 980
 Azimuth and Altitude 986
 Bing Maps and Bing Map Tiles 999
Chapter 19 Pen Also Known as Stylus 1013
 The InkManager Collections 1014
 The Ink Drawing Attributes 1017
 Erasing and Other Enhancements 1023
 Selecting Strokes 1029
 The Yellow Pad 1038
Index 1057



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