編輯推薦: |
■ 第一本让你从头笑到尾的单词书,学到让你停不下来!
■ 即使不会单词意思也没关系,独创漫画学习法,通过联想就能秒懂单词!
■ 联想、浏览、开口说、复习,四步分分钟搞定你的英语!
■ 情境标准双版MP3录音+14天完美学习计划,搭配着场景音乐,仿佛身临其境,学好英语就这么简单!
內容簡介: |
關於作者: |
10 Can you talk your today using the VOCA?
22 Voca
My change
My dog
Office space
Fruit punch
Murphy’s law
At the gym
Catch a movie
Rock ‘n’ Roll
World Cup
Weather forecast
At the hospital
In the office
Busy family
My grandmother
At a party
100th Day Anniversary
138 Voca in Sentences
255 A Workbook of Real Voca advanced
277 lndex
My change
This is one of my photo albums.
It contains lots of my pictures.
I like to take pictures of myself.
I like to take pictures with others, too.
I was finally a teenager.
I wore my hair bobbed.
I wore bangs.
I look good with bangs and bobbed hair.
I was in my late teenage years in this picture.
I had pimples all over my face.
My friend had lots of freckles.
We look funny with pimples and freckles.
I was in my early twenties in this picture.
I wore sunglasses.
I wore hot pants.
I look cool with sunglasses and hot pants.
I was in my late twenties in this picture.
I had long curly hair.
I had smooth skin.
I looked gorgeous.
I’m going to take a picture of myself.
I look straight up into the camera.
I’m wearing big round earrings.
I look attractive.