A Chinese Fantasia: The Song of Life 咏怅集·集古
Letter Severing Friendship 与山巨源绝交书
The Past and Future 兰亭集序
To a Beauty 闲情赋
Ah, Homeward Bound I Go! 归去来辞
The Peach Colony 桃花源记
The Emperor’s Friend 严光列传
An Invitation from a Mountain Resident 山中与裴秀才迪书
The Universe a Lodging House 春夜宴桃李园序
The Bailiff of Shihhao 石壕吏
The Sound of the Pipa on the Water 琵琶行
The North Peak of Lushan 庐山草堂记
The Beggar’s Philosophy 丐论
Failing to Meet a Hermit 寻隐者不遇
The Origin and Preparation of Tea 茶经
The River of Folly 愚溪诗序
A Great Love Letter 会真记(节录)
Country Palace 行宫
What the Donkey Said 驴言
Communion with Nature 书李贺小传后
A Painting of Five Hundred Lohans 五百罗汉图记
Forlorn 声声慢 寻寻觅觅
The Story of a Collection of Antiques 《金石录》后序
“In My Young Days” 丑奴儿 少年不知愁滋味
Inscription on the Hall of Idleness 慵庵铭