怪物 The Monsters 1
第七个猎物 Seventh Victim 15
形态 Shape 35
专家 Specialist 53
温暖 Warm 73
守望鸟 Watchbird 87
会计 The Accountant 113
天堂二号 Paradise II 125
如你所是 All the Things You Are 141
保护 Protection 155
土著人问题 The Native Problem 171
到地球取经 Pilgrimage to Earth 197
风起卡雷拉 A Wind is Rising 213
黎明入侵者 Dawn Invader 233
双重赔偿 Double Indemnity 247
固执成见 Holdout 283
爱情的语言 The Language of Love 299
宿醉 Morning After 315
染血的杀戮者 If the Red Slayer 341
世界杂货店 Store of the Worlds 351
可否一聊? Shall We Have a Little Talk? 361
从洋葱到胡萝卜 Cordle to Onion to Carrot 389
陷落人海 The People Trap 409
人类行径 Is That What People Do? 433
有无感觉 Can You Feel Anything When I Do This? 443
可安歇的水边 Beside Still Waters 457
译后记 罗妍莉 465