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大書城 以“ 精确 模式”搜“ 西蒙特菲尔德 Simon Tofield ”共有 353 結果: 支援简体 / 繁體 / 正體字輸入搜索
作者:Simon  出版:Thames&Hudson  日期:2013-07-01
Experience the best of Malaysia SingaporeNow it s even easier to plan the perfect trip Highlights: ...
售價:NT$ 1293

Everything Goes: Hen Everything Goes: Hen
作者:Simon  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2013-01-01
Henry is going on a bike ride all by himself through the neighborhood. What amazing new vehicles wil ...
售價:NT$ 197

Haskell函数式编程基础(第3版) Haskell函数式编程基础(第3版)
作者:〔美〕Simon  出版:科学出版社  日期:2013-07-01
《Haskell函数式编程基础(第3版)》是一本非常优秀的Haskell函数式程序设计的入门书,各章依次介绍函数式程序设计的基本概念、编译器和解释器、函数的各种定义方式、简单程序的构造、多态和高阶函数 ...
售價:NT$ 1200

Horrid Henry`s Chris Horrid Henry`s Chris
作者:Simon 等编  出版:Orion  日期:2010-10-01
  Includes 'Horrid Henry and the Abominable Snowman' and 'Horrid Henry's Christmas Cracker'. ...
售價:NT$ 798

Man on the Moon: A D Man on the Moon: A D
作者:Simon Bartram   出版:Templar  日期:2004-01-01
The everyday story of an ordinary man? Well, sort of. Bob is the man on the moon, and he has a very ...
售價:NT$ 460

Man on the Moon: A D Man on the Moon: A D
作者:Simon Bartram  出版:Templar  日期:2005-08-01
售價:NT$ 523

Dolphins Dolphins
作者:Seymour Simon  出版:HarperCollins   日期:2009-06-01
售價:NT$ 1300

Citizens: A Chronicl Citizens: A Chronicl
作者:Simon Schama  出版:Penguin   日期:2004-08-26
售價:NT$ 1340

Start With Why Start With Why
作者:Simon Sinek  出版:Penguin Books Ltd   日期:2011-10-06
售價:NT$ 906

爱的历史(新世纪爱的教育读本,承认爱的平 爱的历史(新世纪爱的教育读本,承认爱的平
作者:西蒙·梅Simon  出版:中国人民大学出版社  日期:2013-09-01
读《爱的历史》,了解爱的本质,为爱去魅——使爱不再背负不切实际的期望。 新世纪爱的教育读本,承认爱的平凡,才能享受爱的伟大。 准备恋爱、正在恋爱者,失恋者的 ...
售價:NT$ 419

Frommer`S Crete Day Frommer`S Crete Day
作者:Jos Simon 著  出版:Wiley  日期:2010-08-01
The itinerary-based Day by Day guides show you the best of everything in a time-efficient way, perf ...
售價:NT$ 702

Rampage in Prince`s Rampage in Prince`s
作者:Francesca Simon 著  出版:Orion  日期:2012-01-01
Francesca Simon spent her childhood in California, and then went to Yale and Oxford Universities to ...
售價:NT$ 398

Horrid Henry`s Monst Horrid Henry`s Monst
作者:Francesca Simon 著  出版:Orion  日期:2012-05-01
Four brand new stories in which Horrid Henry makes his own scary movie -- The Undead Demon Monster ...
售價:NT$ 798

Horrid Henry`s Stink Horrid Henry`s Stink
作者:Francesca Simon 等编  出版:Orion  日期:2004-05-01
"A grand example of how an audio production can take a pretty great book into t ...
售價:NT$ 798

Horry Henry`s A-Z of Horry Henry`s A-Z of
作者:Francesca Simon 编  出版:Orion  日期:2011-11-01
A is for APRIL FOOLS' DAY, Horrid Henry's favourite day of the year except his birthday, of course. ...
售價:NT$ 1038

Horrid Henry`s Wicke Horrid Henry`s Wicke
作者:Francesca Simon 等编  出版:Orion  日期:2006-08-01
A new entry in the Top 20 children's books in THE BOOKSELLER at No 20, with the ...
售價:NT$ 798

Horrid Henry`s Car J Horrid Henry`s Car J
作者:Francesca Simon 等编  出版:Orion  日期:2011-06-01
Horrid Henry hates car journeys - especially when it means going to visit Prissy Polly and Pimply P ...
售價:NT$ 718

Horrid Henry`s Utter Horrid Henry`s Utter
作者:Francesca Simon 著  出版:Orion  日期:2011-02-01
Did you know that if your intestines were removed they would stretch round a tennis court several t ...
售價:NT$ 398

Horrid Henry`s Purpl Horrid Henry`s Purpl
作者:Francesca Simon 著  出版:Orion  日期:2011-03-01
Laugh your head off with Horrid Henry, Rude Ralph and the rest of the Purple Hand Gang as they pres ...
售價:NT$ 398

Horrid Henry`s Jolly Horrid Henry`s Jolly
作者:Francesca Simon 著  出版:Orion  日期:2010-03-01
Laugh your way through every day of the year with Horrid Henry as he presents 365 hilarious jokes f ...
售價:NT$ 398

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