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Old MacDonald Had a Old MacDonald Had a
作者:Golden Books,Anne Kennedy  出版:Random House US  日期:2013-01-08
售價:NT$ 203

Happy Birthday, Mrs. Happy Birthday, Mrs.
作者:Betty Macdonald ,Anne Macdonal  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2008-10-01
Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle is back with a brand-new bundle of wonderfully magical cures for any bad habit—fr ...
售價:NT$ 378

Jamie and Angus Toge Jamie and Angus Toge
作者:Anne Fine,Penny Dale  出版:Candlewick   日期:2007-06-12
售價:NT$ 672

The Complete Idiot`s The Complete Idiot`s
作者:Roshumba Williams,Anne Marie O  出版:Penguin  日期:2007-02-01
Make way for this year’s model. In the most comprehensive, practical book on modeling, celebrity m ...
售價:NT$ 702

Pony Scouts: At the Pony Scouts: At the
作者:Catherine Hapka 著,Anne Kennedy  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2011-04-01
Today is the big day—Jill and Apples are going to compete at the horse show! Even waking up extra e ...
售價:NT$ 197

Rio: Blu and Friends Rio: Blu and Friends
作者:Catherine Hapka 著,Anne Kennedy  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2011-02-01
All your favorite characters from the new upcoming animated feature film Rio come alive in this lev ...
售價:NT$ 197

Pony Scouts: Pony Cr Pony Scouts: Pony Cr
作者:Catherine Hapka 凯瑟琳·哈普卡 著 Anne  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2010-01-01
No one loves horses more than Meg -- she eats, sleeps and breathes ponies! So when her family moves ...
售價:NT$ 197

Pony Scouts: Really Pony Scouts: Really
作者:Catherine Hapka 凯瑟琳·哈普卡 著 Anne  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2010-07-01
Today is a special day for the Pony Scouts. It’s time for Meg and Annie’s first-ever riding lesson ...
售價:NT$ 197

Pony Scouts: Blue Ri Pony Scouts: Blue Ri
作者:Catherine Hapka 著 Anne Kennedy  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2013-07-01
In Pony Scouts: Blue Ribbon Day, the eighth book in the Pony Scouts series, horse-loving Meg, Jill, ...
售價:NT$ 197

国际组织行为学:理论、案例、操练(第二版 国际组织行为学:理论、案例、操练(第二版
作者:安妮·玛丽·弗朗西斯科 (Anne Marie France  出版:格致出版社  日期:2014-05-01
安妮·玛丽·弗朗西斯科、巴里·艾伦·戈尔德著的《国际组织行为学理论案例操练第2版》是对必要的理论和实践的一种引导一一引导如何理解国际组织管理学,并引导如何在21 ...
售價:NT$ 612

解剖学图谱·第13版 解剖学图谱·第13版
作者:[美]Anne M.R.Agur,Arthur F.Dall  出版:金盾出版社  日期:2014-03-01
《解剖学图谱·第13版》,本书简介: 《格兰特解剖图谱》1943年第一版问世以来,已经第13次修订,第13版于2012年2月份出版。前6版由国际著名解剖学教授格兰特编著,第7版以后由其他作者参与编著, ...
售價:NT$ 3582

Clouds (Let's Read a Clouds (Let's Read a
作者:Anne Rockwell,Frane Lessac 编绘  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2008-10-01
Ever wake up and wonder what the weather will be? Instead of turning on the TV to find out, you can ...
售價:NT$ 299

The Magic Flute (畅销绘 The Magic Flute (畅销绘
作者:Anne Gatti,Peter Malone 著  出版:  日期:1997-11-01
Before he vanished in the fog of San Francisco, Weldon Kees 1914-55 was a poet, storyteller, critic, ...
售價:NT$ 1084

The Hug Book (Little The Hug Book (Little
作者:Sue Fliess 著, Anne Kennedy 绘  出版:Random House US  日期:2014-12-01
This sweet Little Golden Book features loving families and friends hugging for so many wonderful rea ...
售價:NT$ 221

They Called Her Moll They Called Her Moll
作者:Anne Rockwell 著,Cynthia von Bu  出版:Random House US  日期:2006-08-01
The rousing true tale of an American Revolution heroine. When her husband joined General Washington ...
售價:NT$ 435

护理技能与操作程序(第7版) 护理技能与操作程序(第7版)
作者:佩里 (Anne Griffin Perry),波特 (Pa  出版:人民军医出版社  日期:2015-03-01
《护理技能与操作程序》原著为美国佛罗里达大 学护理学院专家佩里和波特编写的经典护理专著,涵 盖了83项临床常用护理技能操作,包括用物准备、操 作步骤及基本原理、注意事项、记录与报告、非预期 结果和相关 ...
售價:NT$ 739

Pony Scouts: The Cam Pony Scouts: The Cam
作者:Catherine Hapka 著,Anne Kennedy  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2014-03-01
When Meg goes camping for the first time, she doesn't know what to expect. Unprepared for lots of bu ...
售價:NT$ 197

Riff Raff Sails the Riff Raff Sails the
作者:Susan Schade 著, Anne Kennedy 绘  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2014-09-01
Shiver me whiskers! Someone has stolen the mice pirates’ most valuable loot: a great big chunk of ch ...
售價:NT$ 197

Riff Raff the Mouse Riff Raff the Mouse
作者:Susan Schade 著, Anne Kennedy 绘  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2014-05-01
Ahoy, mateys . . . and mice! Riff Raff the Mouse Pirate is setting off on a treasure hunt with his c ...
售價:NT$ 197

The Diary of a Young The Diary of a Young
作者:安妮·弗兰克 (Anne Frank),Otto Frank  出版:Penguin Classics  日期:2000-03-30
售價:NT$ 708

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