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The Hueys:None the Number(by O The Hueys:None the Number(by O
作者:Oliver Jeffers 著  出版:HarperCollins UK  日期:2015-05-01
The thing about the Hueys was that they loved numbers: …… Wait!O? Is ' ...
售價:NT$ 406

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Get Goosebumps with the startling repackage of a best selling classic. Now with bonus materials!Dr. ...
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Getting Things Done: The Art o Getting Things Done: The Art o
作者:James Fallows,David Allen  出版:Penguin Books  日期:2015-03-17
"The Bible of business and personal productivity" —Lifehack "A completely revised and updated editi ...
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Getting Things Done: The Art o Getting Things Done: The Art o
作者:David Allen  出版:Viking  日期:2001-01-08
In today's world, yesterday's methods just don't work. Veteran coach and management consultant David ...
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The MILF Diet: Let the Power o The MILF Diet: Let the Power o
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The Roman History: The Reign o The Roman History: The Reign o
作者:Cassius Dio  出版:Penguin Classics  日期:1987-07-07
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Invincible Louisa: The Story o Invincible Louisa: The Story o
作者:Cornelia Meigs  出版:Little, Brown Books for Y  日期:1995-10-01
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Harry Potter and the Chamber o Harry Potter and the Chamber o
作者:J.K. Rowling  出版:Arthur A. Levine Books   日期:1999-06-02
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War of the Ring: The History o War of the Ring: The History o
作者:J.R.R. Tolkien  出版:Mariner Books   日期:2000-09-01
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Hunted Through Central Asia: O Hunted Through Central Asia: O
作者:Paul Nazaroff  出版:OUP Oxford  日期:2002-08-08
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The Complete Poems and Plays o The Complete Poems and Plays o
作者:T. S. Eliot  出版:Faber & Faber  日期:2004-10-07
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Mythology: The DC Comics Art o Mythology: The DC Comics Art o
作者:Alex Ross  出版:Pantheon  日期:2005-11-08
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The Last Apprentice: Revenge o The Last Apprentice: Revenge o
作者:Joseph Delaney  出版:Greenwillow Books   日期:2005-09-06
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Harry Potter and the Chamber o Harry Potter and the Chamber o
作者:J. K. Rowling  出版:Bloomsbury Publishing PLC  日期:2007-01-02
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作者:Ellin Oliver Keene  出版:Heinemann Educational Boo  日期:2007-05-02
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作者:Naomi Klein  出版:Metropolitan Books   日期:2007-09-18
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The Hero of Ages: Book Three o The Hero of Ages: Book Three o
作者:布兰登.山德森 (Brandon Sanderson)  出版:Tor Books   日期:2008-10-14
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The Mortal Instruments: City o The Mortal Instruments: City o
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In Arabian Nights: A Caravan o In Arabian Nights: A Caravan o
作者:Tahir Shah  出版:Bantam  日期:2009-03-24
售價:NT$ 690

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