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大書城 以“ 精确 模式”搜“ Douglas A Terry 何利邦 ”共有 303 結果: 支援简体 / 繁體 / 正體字輸入搜索
Viewfinder: Fossils Viewfinder: Fossils
作者:Douglas  出版:Silver Dolphin Books  日期:2010-10-01
There's no question about it: kids dig fossils. From massive dinosaur skeletons to ancient ferns em ...
售價:NT$ 998

Godel Escher Bach Godel Escher Bach
作者:Douglas  出版:  日期:2013-03-01
Gdel, Escher, Bach is a Pulitzer Prizewinning treatise exploring patterns and symbols in the thinki ...
售價:NT$ 1148

Generation X B Generation X B
作者:Douglas  出版:Little Brown  日期:1996-11-01
Andy, Dag and Claire have been handed a society beyond their means. Twentysomethings, brought up wi ...
售價:NT$ 702

Big Picture B Big Picture B
作者:Douglas  出版:Little Brown  日期:2003-08-01
On the face of it, Ben Bradford is your standard Wall Street hot shot - Junior partner in a legal f ...
售價:NT$ 702

Job B Job B
作者:Douglas  出版:Little Brown  日期:2005-02-01
Ned Allen is young, smart, and upwardly mobile. Several years into his career as an ad salesman for ...
售價:NT$ 702

Mind's I Fantasies And Reflect Mind's I Fantasies And Reflect
作者:Douglas  出版:Little Brown UK  日期:2001-01-01
Ever wondered who you are? Who you really are? This collection of writings and ...
售價:NT$ 1148

Le Ton Beau De Marot(ISBN=9780 Le Ton Beau De Marot(ISBN=9780
作者:Douglas  出版:Little Brown UK  日期:1998-05-01
Lost in an artthe art of translation. Thus, in an elegant anagram translation = lost in an art, Pul ...
售價:NT$ 1502

How To Measure Anything Second How To Measure Anything Second
作者:Douglas  出版:Wiley  日期:2010-04-01
Now updated with new research and even more intuitive explanations, a demystifying explanation of h ...
售價:NT$ 2506

Pattern-Oriented Software Arch Pattern-Oriented Software Arch
作者:Douglas  出版:HarperCollins UK  日期:2000-09-01
Designing application and middleware software to run in concurrent and networked environments is a ...
售價:NT$ 4257

Forensics For Dummies 9780764555800 Forensics For Dummies 9780764555800
作者:Douglas  出版:Wiley  日期:2013-08-01
CSI,apopularforensic-sciencetelevisionshowairingonCBS,drawsbetween16and26million ...
售價:NT$ 998

Cemetery Dance (Oversize) Cemetery Dance (Oversize)
作者:Douglas  出版:Hachette  日期:2010-04-01
Pendergast-the world's most enigmatic FBI Special Agent-returns to New York City to investigate a m ...
售價:NT$ 499

Bearers of the Black Staff B Bearers of the Black Staff B
作者:Terry  出版:Little Brown  日期:2008-04-01
Five hundred years have passed since the devastating demon-led war that almost exterminated humanki ...
售價:NT$ 702

Sword Of Shannara B Sword Of Shannara B
作者:Terry  出版:Little Brown  日期:2006-10-01
Long ago, the world of the Four Lands was torn apart by the wars of ancient Evil. But in the Vale, ...
售價:NT$ 702

Armageddon's Children B Armageddon's Children B
作者:Terry  出版:Little Brown  日期:2007-07-01
Fifty years from now, our world is unrecognisable. Pollution and warfare have poisoned the skies, t ...
售價:NT$ 702

Gypsy Morph B Gypsy Morph B
作者:Terry  出版:Little Brown  日期:2009-07-01
The last cities have fallen. Demons and once-men swarm the ravaged landscape of the former United S ...
售價:NT$ 702

The Ideology Of The Aesthetic( The Ideology Of The Aesthetic(
作者:Terry  出版:  日期:1991-01-01
The Ideology of the Aesthetic presents a history and critique of the concept of the aesthetic throu ...
售價:NT$ 2337

Contemporary Art(9781856697163) Contemporary Art(9781856697163)
作者:Terry  出版:Thames&Hudson  日期:2011-07-01
Terry Smith is acknowledged world wide as the leading authority in the theory ...
售價:NT$ 2349

Lady Gaga X Terry Richardson ( Lady Gaga X Terry Richardson (
作者:本社 编  出版:Orion  日期:2012-01-01
Sometimes it seems as though I've waited my entirelife to be photographed by Terry Richardson. With ...
售價:NT$ 2964

声频工程导读 声频工程导读
作者:[英]Douglas  出版:人民邮电出版社  日期:2013-06-01
《声频工程导读》一书论述问题的角度新颖,理论与实践的结合紧密。书中各章的作者均是业内权威人士,因此可让读者从中获取对相关问题的最权威及最前沿的技术解释与指导。《 ...
售價:NT$ 1395

地球的历史:举世瞩目的100个重大发现(上) 地球的历史:举世瞩目的100个重大发现(上)
作者:[英]Douglas  出版:人民邮电出版社  日期:2013-10-01
由于宇宙空间物质的吸积作用,地球得以形成。自诞生起,这颗寻常星球的地质环境就在不断发生变化,生物的进化也随之而来,直至形成相对稳固的生物圈。 作为智慧生物的人 ...
售價:NT$ 419

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