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大書城 以“ 精确 模式”搜“ 玛格丽特·刘易斯 Margaret lewis ”共有 383 結果: 支援简体 / 繁體 / 正體字輸入搜索
A Child`s Good Night A Child`s Good Night
作者:Brown, Margaret Wise  出版:HarperCollins  日期:1995-12-01
Night is coming and small things without words are going to sleep . . . sleepy bunnies, sleepy bird ...
售價:NT$ 394

The Runaway Bunny 逃家 The Runaway Bunny 逃家
作者:Margaret Wise Brown  出版:HarperCollins UK  日期:2006-12-01
获奖及推荐记录: ●美国《学校图书馆》杂志1966–1978年 度最佳精品儿童图书("Best of the Best"Children'sBooksS ...
售價:NT$ 400

Ella Sarah Gets Dres Ella Sarah Gets Dres
作者:Margaret Chodos-Irvine 著  出版:Houghton Mifflin  日期:2003-05-01
Ella Sarah may be little, but she has a BIG sense of style--and it isn't at all like that of her mot ...
售價:NT$ 841

Goodnight Moon Big B Goodnight Moon Big B
作者:Margaret Wise Brown  出版:HarperFestival   日期:2007-07-01
售價:NT$ 1148

I Like Bugs I Like Bugs
作者:Margaret Wise Brown  出版:Random House Books for Yo  日期:1999-06-15
售價:NT$ 148

The Cold War(ISBN=97 The Cold War(ISBN=97
作者:John Lewis Gaddis 著  出版:Penguin  日期:2006-12-01
The "dean of Cold War historians" The New York Times now presents the definitive account of the glo ...
售價:NT$ 592

The History of the K The History of the K
作者:Geoffrey of Monmouth ,Lewis Th  出版:Penguin  日期:1997-01-01
Completed in 1136, "The History of the Kings of Britain" traces the story of the realm from its sup ...
售價:NT$ 626

After the Dinosaurs After the Dinosaurs
作者:Charlotte Lewis Brown 著  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2007-09-01
Read about the largest mammal ever to walk on land, about a tiger with teeth longer than your hand, ...
售價:NT$ 197

Beyond the Dinosaurs Beyond the Dinosaurs
作者:Brown, Charlotte Lewis 著  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2008-04-01
Strange and wonderful creatures shared the Earth with the dinosaurs. Kronosaurus ruled the seas wit ...
售價:NT$ 197

The Day the Dinosaur The Day the Dinosaur
作者:Brown, Charlotte Lewis 编  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2007-05-01
The dinosaurs were the biggest, most powerful animals that ever walked the earth. Now they are all ...
售價:NT$ 197

The Last Battle 纳尼亚传 The Last Battle 纳尼亚传
作者:C. S. Lewis 著  出版:HarperCollins UK  日期:2011-10-01
This delightful book is a celebration of the first edition of The Last Battle, ...
售價:NT$ 1027

Pop Up Sounds:Alice Pop Up Sounds:Alice
作者:Lewis Carroll,James Kay  出版:Templar  日期:2010-09-01
This lyrical retelling of Lewis Carroll's classic tale weaves Richard Johnson's illustrations with c ...
售價:NT$ 995

The Lion, the Witch The Lion, the Witch
作者:C. S. Lewis 著  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2013-11-01
Open the door and enter a new world. Narnia . . . the land beyond the wardrobe door, a secret place ...
售價:NT$ 542

Alice's Adventur Alice's Adventur
作者:刘易斯·卡罗尔 (Lewis Carroll)  出版:Collins Design   日期:2010-02-01
售價:NT$ 1244

Alice's Adventur Alice's Adventur
作者:刘易斯·卡罗尔 (Lewis Carroll)  出版:Little Simon  日期:2003-10-01
售價:NT$ 1328

爱丽丝漫游奇境记 丝漫游奇境记
作者:刘易斯·卡罗尔 (Lewis Carroll)  出版:外语教学与研究出版社  日期:2007-07-01
售價:NT$ 142

爱丽丝漫游奇境 丝漫游奇境
作者:刘易斯·卡罗尔 (Lewis Carroll)  出版:安徽文艺出版社  日期:2015-01-01
全世界的大人孩子都为这本童话神魂颠倒!电影、动画、歌舞剧改编无数,地球上最为人熟知的奇幻童话。《爱丝漫游奇境》讲述了一个名叫爱丝的女孩从兔子洞进入一处神奇国度,遇到许多会讲话的生物以及像人一般活动 ...
售價:NT$ 206

The Color Kitten  (L The Color Kitten (L
作者:Margaret Wise Brown 著  出版:Random House  日期:2003-05-01
Spotlight Reviews The very best of Margaret Wise Brown, November 4, 2000 Reviewer: M. Henry "Grand ...
售價:NT$ 197

The Runaway Bunny [B The Runaway Bunny [B
作者:Brown,Margaret Wise 著  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2011-05-01
ClementHurdredrewsomeofhispicturesforthisneweditionoftheprofoundlycomfortingstoryofabunny'simaginary ...
售價:NT$ 447

The Runaway Bunny [H The Runaway Bunny [H
作者:Brown, Margaret Wise 著  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2004-12-01
 获奖及推荐记录: ●美国《学校图书馆》杂志1966–1978年度最佳精品儿童图书("Best of the Best" Children'sBooksSL ...
售價:NT$ 893

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