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Kingpin: How One Hacker Took O Kingpin: How One Hacker Took O
作者:Kevin Poulsen  出版:Broadway Books  日期:2012-02-07
售價:NT$ 1134

A Dance With Dragons (A Song o A Dance With Dragons (A Song o
作者:George R. R. Martin  出版:Harper Voyager   日期:2012-03-15
售價:NT$ 963

Double Cross: The True Story o Double Cross: The True Story o
作者:Ben Macintyre  出版:Random House Audio  日期:2012-07-31
售價:NT$ 1722

Coming to My Senses: A Story o Coming to My Senses: A Story o
作者:Alyssa Harad  出版:Viking Adult   日期:2012-07-05
售價:NT$ 1725

Doctor Who: Summer Falls and O Doctor Who: Summer Falls and O
作者:Amelia Williams  出版:BBC Books   日期:2013-10-22
售價:NT$ 551

Teaching English as a Second o Teaching English as a Second o
作者:Marianne Celce-Murcia  出版:Heinle ELT  日期:2013-01-23
售價:NT$ 9080

The Dark Is Rising Sequence: O The Dark Is Rising Sequence: O
作者:Susan Cooper  出版:Margaret K. McElderry Boo  日期:2013-06-11
售價:NT$ 3836

The Great Trouble: A Mystery o The Great Trouble: A Mystery o
作者:Deborah Hopkinson  出版:Knopf Books for Young Rea  日期:2013-09-10
售價:NT$ 732

Transformers Legacy: The Art o Transformers Legacy: The Art o
作者:Jim Sorenson  出版:Idea & Design Works   日期:2014-10-21
售價:NT$ 2131

The Mortal Instruments: City o The Mortal Instruments: City o
作者:Cassandra Clare  出版:Margaret K. McElderry Boo  日期:2014-03-04
售價:NT$ 2775

Magic Color Flair: The World o Magic Color Flair: The World o
作者:John Canemaker  出版:Walt Disney Family Founda  日期:2014-05-06
售價:NT$ 1841

The Courage to Act: A Memoir o The Courage to Act: A Memoir o
作者:Ben S. Bernanke  出版:W. W. Norton & Company  日期:2015-10-05
售價:NT$ 1618

The Clinician's Handbook o The Clinician's Handbook o
作者:Joseph E. Pizzorno Jr. ND  出版:Churchill Livingstone  日期:2015-12-21
售價:NT$ 2983

The White House: A Pop-Up of O The White House: A Pop-Up of O
作者:Robert Sabuda  出版:Orchard Books  日期:2015-12-29
售價:NT$ 1279

The 5th Wave: The First Book o The 5th Wave: The First Book o
作者:Rick Yancey  出版:Speak  日期:2015-02-10
售價:NT$ 469

Dead Wake: The Last Crossing o Dead Wake: The Last Crossing o
作者:Erik Larson  出版:Random House Audio  日期:2015-03-10
售價:NT$ 1940

Life on the Edge: The Coming o Life on the Edge: The Coming o
作者:Johnjoe McFadden  出版:Crown   日期:2015-07-28
售價:NT$ 1194

Will Shortz Presents the Zen o Will Shortz Presents the Zen o
作者:SHORTZ, WILL  出版:Holtzbrinck Publishe  日期:
售價:NT$ 882

Harry Potter and the Chamber o Harry Potter and the Chamber o
作者:J. K. Rowling [作者]  出版:Little Brown UK  日期:2013-07-18
Harry can't wait for his holidays with the dire Dursleys to end. But a small, se ...
售價:NT$ 772

Harry Potter and the Chamber o Harry Potter and the Chamber o
作者:by ROWLING J.K. [Author]  出版:Little Brown UK  日期:2014-01-01
he novel opens with Harry living under the cupboard with his abusive aunt and un ...
售價:NT$ 1224

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