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Horrid Henry`s Chris Horrid Henry`s Chris
作者:本社 编著  出版:Orion  日期:2012-01-01
Horrid Henry cant wait to star inthe school Christmas play until he finds out miss battle Axe has o ...
售價:NT$ 718

Horrid Henry`s Chris Horrid Henry`s Chris
作者:Francesca Simon 编  出版:Orion  日期:2006-10-01
Four fabulously funny stories that will invoke every family's worst Christmas nightmares, as Horrid ...
售價:NT$ 398

Horrid Henry`s Chris Horrid Henry`s Chris
作者:Francesca Simon 著  出版:Orion  日期:2011-11-01
Horrid Henry is desperate to be Joseph in the school Christmas Nativity play. The trouble is, Miss ...
售價:NT$ 398

Franklin's Chris Franklin's Chris
作者:Paulette Bourgeois,Brenda Clar  出版:Kids Can Press   日期:1998-01-01
售價:NT$ 263

Daisy Jane, Best-Eve Daisy Jane, Best-Eve
作者:Megan Mcdonald,Claudine Gevry   出版:Random House  日期:2007-11-01
Daisy Jane loves her favorite babysitter, Allie. So when Allie asks Daisy Jane to be her flower girl ...
售價:NT$ 221

The Thief (The Queen The Thief (The Queen
作者:Megan Whalen Turner 著  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2005-12-01
"I can steal anything." After Gen's bragging lands him in the king's prison, the chances of escape ...
售價:NT$ 348

The King of Attolia The King of Attolia
作者:Turner, Megan Whalen 著  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2007-05-01
The former Thief of Eddis is now the King of Attolia. Eugenides wanted the queen, not the crown, an ...
售價:NT$ 394

The Queen of Attolia The Queen of Attolia
作者:Megan Whalen Turner 著  出版:HarperCollins  日期:1998-01-01
This spellbinder of a sequel to the Newbery Honor-winning The Thief is every bi ...
售價:NT$ 348

为iPad而设计:打造畅销App 为iPad而设计:打造畅销App
作者:[英]Chris  出版:人民邮电出版社  日期:2013-09-01
特色内容: iPad应用程序设计的5个关键原则 设计师如何使用Xcode 为什么孩子是最佳的应用软件测试员 为什么iPad不是大号的iPhone——重新 ...
售價:NT$ 735

American Sniper LP American Sniper LP
作者:Chris Kyle  出版:HarpLPLuxe  日期:2012-01-17
售價:NT$ 1780

American Sniper: The American Sniper: The
作者:Chris Kyle  出版:Harper  日期:2013-01-29
售價:NT$ 418

Escape from Mr. Lemo Escape from Mr. Lemo
作者:Chris Grabenstein  出版:Listening Library   日期:Audio
售價:NT$ 161

Light and Shoot 50 F Light and Shoot 50 F
作者:Chris Gatcum  出版:Focal Press   日期:2011-04-28
售價:NT$ 1208

Makers: The New Indu Makers: The New Indu
作者:Chris Anderson  出版:Crown Business   日期:2012-10-02
售價:NT$ 1178

The Land of Stories: The Land of Stories:
作者:Chris Colfer  出版:Little, Brown Books for Y  日期:2013-08-06
售價:NT$ 733

The Land of Stories: The Land of Stories:
作者:Chris Colfer  出版:Little, Brown Books for Y  日期:2014-06-03
售價:NT$ 335

The Land of Stories: The Land of Stories:
作者:Chris Colfer  出版:Little, Brown Books for Y  日期:2013-07-02
故事之地系列童话故事不同于其他的童话故事,内容非常的有趣。不仅孩子喜欢看,大人拿起来也是爱不释手。这是**本,封面非常吸引人,大约32开的,拿在手里也很舒服,很 ...
售價:NT$ 362

Struck By Lightning: Struck By Lightning:
作者:Chris Colfer  出版:Little, Brown Books for Y  日期:2013-11-05
售價:NT$ 456

Struck By Lightning: Struck By Lightning:
作者:Chris Colfer  出版:Little, Brown Books for Y  日期:2012-11-20
售價:NT$ 815

The Land of Stories: The Land of Stories:
作者:Chris Colfer  出版:Little, Brown Books for Y  日期:2014-07-08
售價:NT$ 573

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