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大書城 以“ 精确 模式”搜“ Filippo Castoldi意大利 Dav ”共有 64 結果: 支援简体 / 繁體 / 正體字輸入搜索
Christmas Songs and Christmas Songs and
作者:Arranged with Tablature by Dav  出版:Dover Publications  日期:2011-12-31
售價:NT$ 756

Write Away Write Away
作者:Grumpy Cat. Illustrated by Dav  出版:Dover Publications  日期:2011-12-31
售價:NT$ 608

交互式计算机图形学——基于WebGL的自 交互式计算机图形学——基于WebGL的自
作者:[美]Edward Angel[E. 安杰尔],[美]Dav  出版:电子工业出版社  日期:2016-03-01
本书是作者多年来教学与科研工作的总结,采用自顶向下的结构进行讲解,涵盖了基于WebGL编程工具的交互式图形编程、三维可编程绘制流水线、变换与观察、光照与明暗绘制、曲线曲面建模等基本的计算机图形学内容, ...
售價:NT$ 668

The Captain Underpan The Captain Underpan
作者:Dav Pilkey  出版:Blue Sky Press  日期:2001-03-01
售價:NT$ 186

The All New Captain The All New Captain
作者:Dav Pilkey  出版:Blue Sky Press  日期:2002-09-01
售價:NT$ 232

Captain Underpants A Captain Underpants A
作者:Dav Pilkey  出版:Scholastic US  日期:2003-08-31
Book Description Dav Pilkey's newest epic novel finds George, Harold, and everyone's favorite super ...
售價:NT$ 197

Captain Underpants a Captain Underpants a
作者:Dav Pilkey  出版:Scholastic Paperbacks  日期:2003-08-01
售價:NT$ 197

Captain Underpants A Captain Underpants A
作者:Dav Pilkey  出版:Blue Sky Press  日期:2006-09-01
售價:NT$ 244

Captain Underpants a Captain Underpants a
作者:Dav Pilkey  出版:Scholastic Trade   日期:2014-08-26
When the Incredible Robo-Plunger defeated the evil Turbo Toilet 2000, George and Harold thought thei ...
售價:NT$ 407

Captain Underpants a Captain Underpants a
作者:Dav Pilkey 著  出版:Scholastic  日期:2000-02-01
Amazon.com Review In the fourth "epic novel" by the wildly popular Dav Pilkey, ...
售價:NT$ 302

The Adventures of Ca The Adventures of Ca
作者:Dav Pilkey 著  出版:Scholastic  日期:1997-09-01
★ 美国凯迪克大奖得主精心巨著 ★ 国际阅读协会儿童选书大奖,美国童书委员会年度童书大奖 ★ 销量超过3500万册 ★ 著名儿童文学作家伍美珍专文推荐 ...
售價:NT$ 296

Captain Underpants # Captain Underpants #
作者:Dav Pilkey 著  出版:Scholastic  日期:1999-02-01
Book Description The Captain Underpants series, by Dav Pilkey, is a series of American children's b ...
售價:NT$ 313

Captain Underpants # Captain Underpants #
作者:Dav Pilkey 著  出版:Scholastic  日期:1999-09-01
Book Description The Captain Underpants series, by Dav Pilkey, is a series of American children's b ...
售價:NT$ 313

Captain Underpants # Captain Underpants #
作者:Dav Pilkey 著  出版:Scholastic  日期:2001-11-01
The Captain Underpants series, by Dav Pilkey, is a series of American children's books about two 4th ...
售價:NT$ 313

Captain Underpants # Captain Underpants #
作者:Dav Pilkey 著  出版:Scholastic  日期:2012-08-01
Tra-la-laaa! Captain Underpants is back in an all-new epic adventure that's the zaniest, funniest, o ...
售價:NT$ 516

The Tra-la-laaa-rifi The Tra-la-laaa-rifi
作者:Dav Pilkey 著  出版:Scholastic  日期:2007-10-01
With more than 35 million copies in print, the Captain Underpants books are one ...
售價:NT$ 1241

The Tra-la-laaa-rifi The Tra-la-laaa-rifi
作者:Dav Pilkey 著  出版:Scholastic  日期:2008-10-01
With more than 38 million copies in print, Dav Pilkey's Captain Underpants books are among the bests ...
售價:NT$ 1241

Captain Underpants # Captain Underpants #
作者:Dav Pilkey 著  出版:Scholastic Trade (2014年12  日期:2015-02-01
The third Captain Underpants adventure like you've never seen it before -- in FULL COLOR! George and ...
售價:NT$ 516

Captain Underpants C Captain Underpants C
作者:Dav Pilkey 著  出版:Scholastic Trade  日期:2015-08-01
售價:NT$ 1549

Captain Underpants # Captain Underpants #
作者:Pilkey,Dav & Pilkey 著  出版:Scholastic  日期:2015-08-01
There's something rotten in the state of Ohio, and it's smellier than a pile of putrid gym socks Ste ...
售價:NT$ 516

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