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The Berenstain Bears and the M The Berenstain Bears and the M
作者:Jan Berenstain 著  出版:Random House  日期:2011-12-01
Mother’s Day is coming, and Mama Bear knows that Papa and the cubs are going to surprise her. She a ...
售價:NT$ 249

If You Give…系列:If You Take a M If You Give…系列:If You Take a M
作者:Numeroff, Laura 编  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2000-09-01
Mouse is back for the holidays A first sequel to "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie," starring Mouse The ...
售價:NT$ 847

投机之王回忆录 投机之王回忆录
作者:[美]埃德温·拉斐尔[Edwin Lefevre]  出版:中国人民大学出版社  日期:2014-07-01
 本书作者借一个虚构人物,以故事形式描写主人公操作生涯的成败起落。由凭天赋的无名小子,重复犯错后累积经验,学懂投机之道,终在股坛叱咤风云。读者细阅此书,领略到投资市场犹如人生起伏,有涨潮,也有退潮。而 ...
售價:NT$ 358

经济增长的道德意义(当代资本主义研究丛书) 经济增长的道德意义(当代资本主义研究丛书)
作者:本杰明·M·弗里德曼  出版:中国人民大学出版社  日期:2013-04-01
任何一个国家,经济增长都是一个古老的话题。“我们那么明确而极大地关注经济增长是否正确呢?”弗里德曼在书中开门见山地提出了这个问题。为了回答这一问题,《当代资本主义研究丛书:经济增长的道德意义》作者做了 ...
售價:NT$ 642

最好的告别,是将你遗忘在路上(世上最好的告别,就是将你遗忘在 最好的告别,是将你遗忘在路上(世上最好的告别,就是将你遗忘在
作者:老m 著  出版:中国华侨出版社  日期:2013-12-01
说好的,两个人一起去看世界 到最后,却只能一个人上路 一个人,究竟要走多远,才能放下另一个人; 究竟要寻觅多久,才能相逢最好的自己。 ...
售價:NT$ 370

2024年中国悬疑推理精选 2024年中国悬疑推理精选
作者:华斯比 选编  出版:长江文艺出版社  日期:2025-01-01
2024年度精选悬疑推理小说 小说讲求逻辑,论证严密,具有浓厚的悬疑色彩。 ...
售價:NT$ 179

Diego Rivera: Murals for The M Diego Rivera: Murals for The M
作者:Leah  出版:Thames&Hudson  日期:2011-11-01
In 1931, Diego Rivera was the subject of The Museum of Modern Art s second monographic exhibition, ...
售價:NT$ 1955

The Future Of Human Resource M The Future Of Human Resource M
作者:Mike  出版:HarperCollins UK  日期:2005-04-01
ThisisanewtakeonthetopicsexploredinTomorrow'sHRManagement,aperennialbestsellerby ...
售價:NT$ 2250

M&A Titans: The Pioneers Who S M&A Titans: The Pioneers Who S
作者:Brett  出版:Wiley  日期:2008-10-01
Thisbookfocusesonthe11men,lawyersandbankers,whoareresponsibleforthecreationofWallStreet′smergerindus ...
售價:NT$ 1398

Social Media Metrics: How To M Social Media Metrics: How To M
作者:JimSterne  出版:Wiley  日期:2010-04-01
The only guide devoted exclusively to social media metrics Whether you are selling online, through ...
售價:NT$ 1253

Optimization By Vector Space M Optimization By Vector Space M
作者:David  出版:HarperCollins UK  日期:1997-01-01
Engineers must make decisions regarding the distribution of expensive resources in a manner that wi ...
售價:NT$ 7517

I'm the Scariest Thing in the I'm the Scariest Thing in the
作者:Kevin  出版:Penguin  日期:2011-08-01
Alittlevampirebattakesstockofallthecreepiesinthecastleanddecideshe'sscarierthanallofthem!Butthecreep ...
售價:NT$ 348

Museum 123 (The Metropolitan M Museum 123 (The Metropolitan M
作者:`  出版:Hachette  日期:2011-08-01
售價:NT$ 870

Knuffle Bunny Too: A Case of M Knuffle Bunny Too: A Case of M
作者:Mo Willems 编  出版:Disney  日期:2007-09-01
From Booklist Knuffle Bunny returns, but this time he has a doppelganger. Trixi ...
售價:NT$ 847

If You Give…系列:If You Give a M If You Give…系列:If You Give a M
作者:Numeroff, Laura 著  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2013-01-01
If a big hungry moose comes to visit, you might give him a muffin to make him feel at home. If you ...
售價:NT$ 847

The Explorers Guides: Woolly M The Explorers Guides: Woolly M
作者:本社 编  出版:Thames&Hudson  日期:2013-07-01
There is a ready to assemble 3D Woolly Mammoth model inside this amazing guide. No glue or tools ar ...
售價:NT$ 551

High Performance Enterprises M High Performance Enterprises M
作者:Pow Tien Tee 著  出版:西安电子科技大学出版社  日期:2014-01-01
This book makes in-depth and refined analysis on the basic elements of modern enterprisesoperation V ...
售價:NT$ 288

Percy Jackson and the Sea of M Percy Jackson and the Sea of M
作者:Rick  出版:Penguin  日期:2013-07-01
★ 《纽约时报》最佳图书奖 ★ 美国图书馆协会最佳图书奖 ★ 《学校图书馆期刊》最佳图书奖 ★ 美国NBC电视台「The Today Show」读书俱乐部 ...
售價:NT$ 592

AAAARRGGHH, Spider!(by Lydia M AAAARRGGHH, Spider!(by Lydia M
作者:Lydia Monks 著  出版:Egmont  日期:2014-04-01
All Spider wants is to be a family pet. But the family whose house he lives in are terrified of hi ...
售價:NT$ 557

The Pigeon Wants a Puppy (by M The Pigeon Wants a Puppy (by M
作者:Mo Willems 著  出版:Walker Books  日期:2008-04-01
The Pigeon is back! But what is the object of his desire? The pigeon REALLY wants a puppy. He'll ta ...
售價:NT$ 476

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