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大書城 以“ 精确 模式”搜“ 理查德·菲利浦斯·费曼 Richard Phil ”共有 930 結果: 支援简体 / 繁體 / 正體字輸入搜索
Thinner(978144472355 Thinner(978144472355
作者:Richard  出版:Orion  日期:2012-12-01
Thinner' - the old gypsy man barely whispers the word. Billy feels the touch of a withered hand on h ...
售價:NT$ 452

Quirkology-The Curio Quirkology-The Curio
作者:Richard  出版:Pan Books  日期:2008-04-01
Ever wondered why bad musicians always win the Eurovision Song Contest, or how incompetent politicia ...
售價:NT$ 713

Paranormality Paranormality
作者:Richard  出版:Macmillan  日期:2012-10-01
Bestselling psychologist Richard Wiseman unravels the science behind our beliefs in telepathy, clair ...
售價:NT$ 713

The Little Book Of B The Little Book Of B
作者:Phil DeMuth 著  出版:Wiley  日期:2010-03-01
The bestselling author team of Stein and DeMuth has created this investing guid ...
售價:NT$ 998

Redeployment (ISBN=9 Redeployment (ISBN=9
作者:Phil Klay 著  出版:Penguin  日期:2014-03-01
Winner of the 2014 National Book Award for Fiction · Winner of the John Leonard ...
售價:NT$ 1455

Richard Scarry`s The Richard Scarry`s The
作者:Scarry 著  出版:Sterling Publishing   日期:2010-10-01
Lowly Worm's life is full of wonderful adventures-and that is why he has long been one of Richard S ...
售價:NT$ 551

大数据应用:商业案例实践(“十二五”国家 大数据应用:商业案例实践(“十二五”国家
作者:[美]Phil Simon 著  出版:人民邮电出版社  日期:2014-11-01
马萨诸塞州波士顿居民通过智能手机自动报告道路的坑洞和危险情况;谷歌根据数千条用户的搜索请求准确预测当地流行感冒的爆发;亚马逊对其几亿用户实时提供极具洞察力和关联 ...
售價:NT$ 441

The Traditional Shop The Traditional Shop
作者:Eugenia Bell,Phil Nicholls  出版:Little Bookroom  日期:2011-01-11
售價:NT$ 795

游戏关卡设计(附盘) 游戏关卡设计(附盘)
作者:Phil Co,姚晓光,孙泱  出版:机械工业出版社  日期:2007-01-01
《游戏关卡设计》详细介绍关卡策划在整个游戏中的作用,主要内容包括:怎样制作一个游戏、定义游戏、关卡的挑战性、关卡创意、设计关卡、模板和改进关卡等。还全面讲述了多种游戏类型的开发过程。《游戏关卡设计》被 ...
售價:NT$ 333

Richard III (No Fear Richard III (No Fear
作者:William  出版:Sterling Publishing   日期:2004-11-01
NoFearShakespearegivesyouthecompletetextof"RichardIII"ontheleft-handpage,side-by-sidewithaneasy-to-u ...
售價:NT$ 348

Richard Scarry's Chr Richard Scarry's Chr
作者:Scarry  出版:Sterling Publishing   日期:2011-08-01
Celebrate Christmas Busytown-style. Firefighters are stringing lights, stores are crowded, and ever ...
售價:NT$ 394

Richard Scarry`s Gre Richard Scarry`s Gre
作者:斯凯瑞  出版:HarperCollins UK  日期:2013-01-01
Great Big Mystery Book 《迷迷糊糊的侦探》——跟大侦探一起抓盗贼!  大猫山姆和小猪达利是两位大名鼎鼎的侦探。全书讲述了三个奇特的案件。第一个故事中,两位侦探按踪索迹,最终找到 ...
售價:NT$ 557

Richard Scarry`s ABC Richard Scarry`s ABC
作者:Scarry 等著  出版:Sterling Publishing   日期:2011-08-01
In a brief story for each letter of the alphabet, the letter is printed in red ...
售價:NT$ 551

Richard Scarry`s Bes Richard Scarry`s Bes
作者:Scarry 等著  出版:Sterling Publishing   日期:2010-10-01
Willy Bunny has learned to count-and so will children, by the time they've finished Richard Scarry' ...
售價:NT$ 551

Richard Scarry`s Gre Richard Scarry`s Gre
作者:  出版:Sterling Publishing   日期:
售價:NT$ 756

Richard Scarry`s Bes Richard Scarry`s Bes
作者:Scarry 等著  出版:Sterling Publishing   日期:2010-10-01
Willy Bunny has learned to count-and so will children, by the time they've finished Richard Scarry' ...
售價:NT$ 650

Richard Scarry`s ABC Richard Scarry`s ABC
作者:Scarry 著  出版:Sterling Publishing   日期:2011-01-01
In a brief story for each letter of the alphabet, the letter is printed in red ...
售價:NT$ 650

Richard Scarry`s Bes Richard Scarry`s Bes
作者:本社 编著  出版:Five Mile Press  日期:2013-06-01
Young children will enjoy practising their colours shapes and numbers with the lovable Richard Scar ...
售價:NT$ 313

Richard Scarry`s Wel Richard Scarry`s Wel
作者:本社 编  出版:Five Mile Press  日期:2013-06-01
售價:NT$ 313

Richard Scarry's Bes Richard Scarry's Bes
作者:Patsy Scarry,Kathryn Jackson 著  出版:Random House US  日期:2014-07-01
Nine of Richard Scarry’s best Little Golden Books come together in a colorful, deluxe volume, ready ...
售價:NT$ 597

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