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Michael Jordan (Revi Michael Jordan (Revi
作者:Matt  出版:Hachette  日期:2011-05-01
Matt Christopher, the number one sports writer for kids, profiles basketball superstar Michael Jord ...
售價:NT$ 249

Void Moon Void Moon
作者:Michael  出版:Hachette  日期:2013-11-01
New York Times bestselling author Michael Connelly writes novels of brilliantly original suspense. ...
售價:NT$ 400

LIFE Michael 1958-20 LIFE Michael 1958-20
作者:  出版:Hachette  日期:2013-11-01
His talent was spectacular, electric. He was a thriller beyond compare. And he left us too soon. LI ...
售價:NT$ 998

`Michael Field`(ISBN Michael Field`(ISBN
作者:Marion Thain 著  出版:Cambridge University  日期:2007-10-01
'Michael Field' 1884–1914 was the pseudonym of two women, the aunt and niece Ka ...
售價:NT$ 6804

13 Things That Don`T 13 Things That Don`T
作者:Michael Brooks 编  出版:Random House  日期:2009-08-01
“This elegantly written, meticulously researched and thought-provoking book pro ...
售價:NT$ 800

作者:Michael Raynor 著  出版:Random House  日期:2011-08-01
In this compelling new book, Michael E. Raynor, coauthor of the national bestseller The Innovator’s ...
售價:NT$ 1148

The Cambridge Compan The Cambridge Compan
作者:Michael Hattaway 著  出版:Cambridge University  日期:2002-12-01
Shakespeare's history plays have been performed more in recent years than ever before, in Britain, ...
售價:NT$ 1450

Snug As a Bug 西尔维娅绘本 Snug As a Bug 西尔维娅绘本
作者:Michael Elsohn Ross 著  出版:  日期:2004-04-01
Award-winning artist Sylvia Long has teamed up with author and naturalist Michael Elsohn Ross to cre ...
售價:NT$ 863

The Cambridge Compan The Cambridge Compan
作者:Michael L. Morgan 著  出版:Cambridge University  日期:2007-06-01
Modern Jewish philosophy emerged in the seventeenth century, with the impact of ...
售價:NT$ 1468

跨文化交际口语 跨文化交际口语
作者:陈晓霞,Michael Allen Nair  出版:北京大学出版社  日期:2014-11-05
《跨文化交际口语》重视跨文化交际中的英语口语应用能力,通过实际组织、准备、演示建立在真实生活场景基础上并涵盖不同主题的口语活动,特别为中国大学生提供了实际应用英 ...
售價:NT$ 315

The Orchard Book Of The Orchard Book Of
作者:Michael  出版:Little Brown UK  日期:2004-10-01
Morpurgo's rhthymic, very accessible language and Chichester Clark's amusing an ...
售價:NT$ 1027

20年95部最精彩的艾美奖美剧:说地道口 20年95部最精彩的艾美奖美剧:说地道口
作者:Michael  出版:化学工业出版社  日期:2013-07-01
售價:NT$ 371

Molecular Cloning: A Molecular Cloning: A
作者:MICHAEL  出版:科学出版社  日期:2013-01-01
1992年,《分子克隆实验指南》第二版中译本由科学出版社出版,几年之内,它便成为中国分子生物学实验室的必备书。2002年,第三版中译本由科学出版社出版,直到现在 ...
售價:NT$ 20460

The Black Box: A Har The Black Box: A Har
作者:Michael  出版:Hachette  日期:2013-04-01
In a case that spans 20 years, Harry Bosch links the bullet from a recent crime to a file from 1992 ...
售價:NT$ 394

Law of Attraction Law of Attraction
作者:Michael  出版:Hachette  日期:2010-05-01
Have you noticed that sometimes what you need just falls into place? Perhaps you've met the perfect ...
售價:NT$ 696

The Brass Verdict (O The Brass Verdict (O
作者:Michael  出版:Hachette  日期:2013-11-01
Things are finally looking up for defense attorney Mickey Haller. After two years of wrong turns, H ...
售價:NT$ 499

The Scarecrow (Overs The Scarecrow (Overs
作者:Michael  出版:Hachette  日期:2009-11-01
Forced out of the Los Angeles Times amid the latest budget cuts, newspaperman Jack McEvoy decides t ...
售價:NT$ 499

The Reversal (Oversi The Reversal (Oversi
作者:Michael  出版:Hachette  日期:2011-09-01
Longtime defense attorney Mickey Haller is recruited to change stripes and prosecute the high-prof ...
售價:NT$ 499

Nine Dragons (Oversi Nine Dragons (Oversi
作者:Michael  出版:Hachette  日期:2010-08-01
Harry Bosch is assigned a homicide call in South L.A. that takes him to Fortune Liquors, where the ...
售價:NT$ 499

Blood Work Blood Work
作者:Michael  出版:Hachette  日期:1998-10-01
A retired FBI agent investigates the death of heart transplant donor. ...
售價:NT$ 400

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