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Busting Loose From The Busines Busting Loose From The Busines
作者:Robert  出版:Wiley  日期:2009-06-01
The Business Game--here's how you can win Are you a business owner, manager, or employee who strugg ...
售價:NT$ 1253

Principles Of Urban Retail Pla Principles Of Urban Retail Pla
作者:Robert  出版:Wiley  日期:2013-10-01
“...Extraordinary: Gibbs has popped the hood and taken apart the engine of commercial design and de ...
售價:NT$ 4008

Beginning Microsoft Sql Server Beginning Microsoft Sql Server
作者:Robert  出版:Wiley  日期:2008-12-01
This comprehensive introduction to SQL Server begins with an overview of database design basics and ...
售價:NT$ 2001

The Business Analyst/Project M The Business Analyst/Project M
作者:Robert  出版:Wiley  日期:2010-09-01
A breakthrough game plan illustrating the need for better collaboration between Project Managers an ...
售價:NT$ 2506

Conquer The Crash, Second Edit Conquer The Crash, Second Edit
作者:Robert  出版:Wiley  日期:2009-11-01
Today's financial and economic tribulations were a long time in the making. Many people ask, "Why d ...
售價:NT$ 1502

Applied Mergers And Acquisitio Applied Mergers And Acquisitio
作者:Robert  出版:Wiley  日期:2004-04-01
A comprehensive guide to the world of mergers and acquisitions Why do so many MA transactions fail ...
售價:NT$ 14778

The Trade Lifecycle Of A Trade The Trade Lifecycle Of A Trade
作者:Robert  出版:Wiley  日期:2010-08-01
Every person working in an investment bank or hedge fund has a large part of his work connected to ...
售價:NT$ 2506

Art of Turbo (热映电影《极速蜗牛》精美艺术大画 Art of Turbo (热映电影《极速蜗牛》精美艺术大画
作者:Robert  出版:Insight Edition  日期:2013-09-01
What do you get when you cross a snail with the Indianapolis 500? If you’re DreamWorks, then the r ...
售價:NT$ 1989

CHERUB: Mad Dogs 小天使系列:狂犬 ISBN CHERUB: Mad Dogs 小天使系列:狂犬 ISBN
作者:Robert  出版:Hodder  日期:2007-08-01
The British underworld is controlled by gangs. When two of them start a turf war, violence explodes ...
售價:NT$ 554

CHERUB: Divine Madness 小天使系列:神 CHERUB: Divine Madness 小天使系列:神
作者:Robert  出版:Hodder  日期:2006-04-01
Praise for books in the CHERUB series: 'Punchy, exciting, glamorous and, what's ...
售價:NT$ 554

CHERUB: The Killing 小天使系列:凶杀案 CHERUB: The Killing 小天使系列:凶杀案
作者:Robert  出版:Hodder  日期:2005-10-01
Praise for books in the CHERUB series: 'Punchy, exciting, glamorous and, what's ...
售價:NT$ 554

CHERUB: Maximum Security 小天使系列 CHERUB: Maximum Security 小天使系列
作者:Robert  出版:Hodder  日期:2005-04-01
Over the years, CHERUB has put plenty of criminals behind bars. Now, for the first time ever, they' ...
售價:NT$ 554

CHERUB: Class A 小天使系列:A级毒品 ISB CHERUB: Class A 小天使系列:A级毒品 ISB
作者:Robert  出版:Hodder  日期:2004-10-01
When CHERUB kids go undercover, no one suspects that they are trained professio ...
售價:NT$ 554

CHERUB: The Recruit 小天使系列:初出茅庐 CHERUB: The Recruit 小天使系列:初出茅庐
作者:Robert  出版:Hodder  日期:2004-04-01
A terrorist doesn't let strangers in her flat because they might be undercover police or intelligen ...
售價:NT$ 554

CHERUB: The Fall 小天使系列:天降危机 IS CHERUB: The Fall 小天使系列:天降危机 IS
作者:Robert  出版:Hodder  日期:2007-03-01
Praise for books in the CHERUB series: 'Punchy, exciting, glamorous and, what's ...
售價:NT$ 554

CHERUB: Man vs Beast 小天使系列:人兽之 CHERUB: Man vs Beast 小天使系列:人兽之
作者:Robert  出版:Hodder  日期:2006-10-01
Praise for books in the CHERUB series: 'Punchy, exciting, glamorous and, what's ...
售價:NT$ 554

储能(影印版) 储能(影印版)
作者:Robert  出版:科学出版社  日期:2013-09-01
本书讨论了各种主要的储能方法的基本原理,包括热能储存过程中的相变和可逆反应;储氢和有机燃料过程中的重要载体等,其中也涉及机械、电磁系统等领域的原理。还重点关注了电化学储能系统的最新发展,包括传统电池系 ...
售價:NT$ 1070

好老板,坏老板:部属不说但你非懂不可的管理秘技 好老板,坏老板:部属不说但你非懂不可的管理秘技
作者:Robert  出版:电子工业出版社  日期:2013-10-01
本书是管理者的职场发展指南。作者在书中揭示了好老板和坏老板的差别,从而得出卓越的管理者应具备的行为准则,包括创建充满高度责任感、信任、公平和温情的工作氛围,不断协调自己与下属之间的关系,尽一切所能支持 ...
售價:NT$ 298

智能电网中的传导电磁干扰 智能电网中的传导电磁干扰
作者:Robert  出版:机械工业出版社  日期:2014-01-01
本书详细地讲述了智能电网中的传导电磁干扰Electromagnetic Interference, EMI问题。作者通过很多实验和仿真,使读者更进一步地认识和理解智能电网中传导电磁干扰的形成机理、干扰 ...
售價:NT$ 441

Robert Ludlum's (TM) The Bourn Robert Ludlum's (TM) The Bourn
作者:Eric  出版:Hachette  日期:2008-05-01
Already devastated by loss, Bourne is shattered by a report that his last friend in the world, Mart ...
售價:NT$ 499

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