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March B March B
作者:E. L.Doctorow  出版:Little Brown  日期:2006-12-01
Doctorow's new novel is set towards the end of the American Civil War and follows General Sherman's ...
售價:NT$ 702

And Did Those Feet B And Did Those Feet B
作者:Charlie  出版:Little Brown  日期:2010-01-01
The landscape of the British Isles is filled with history, much of which we miss as it flashes past ...
售價:NT$ 783

Job B Job B
作者:Douglas  出版:Little Brown  日期:2005-02-01
Ned Allen is young, smart, and upwardly mobile. Several years into his career as an ad salesman for ...
售價:NT$ 702

Superconnect B Superconnect B
作者:Greg  出版:Little Brown  日期:2011-10-01
Networks rule the world. Take any organization: a corner shop, a new venture, a gang of drug traffi ...
售價:NT$ 858

Scarred B Scarred B
作者:Julia  出版:little brown  日期:2010-03-01
Seven months ago on a rainy March night, Willow's parents drank too much wine at dinner and asked h ...
售價:NT$ 702

Revenge B Revenge B
作者:Sharon  出版:little brown  日期:2011-03-01
Amber and Chelsea Stone are sisters who share the same dream - huge, global fame. As children they ...
售價:NT$ 545

Siege B Siege B
作者:TadWilliams  出版:Little Brown  日期:2009-05-01
I was rarely held so captive by a novel ...Williams is our Tolkien Fear Epic fa ...
售價:NT$ 858

Legend B Legend B
作者:David  出版:Little Brown  日期:2009-10-01
The Legend Druss, Captain of the Axe: the stories of his life were told everywhere. Instead of the ...
售價:NT$ 702

Changeless B Changeless B
作者:Gail  出版:Little Brown  日期:2010-09-01
Alexia Tarabotti, now Lady Maccon, awakens in the wee hours of the mid-afternoon to find her husban ...
售價:NT$ 626

Agincourt B Agincourt B
作者:Juliet  出版:Little Brown  日期:2006-07-01
Agincourt took place on 25 October 1415 and was a turning-point not only in the ...
售價:NT$ 858

Niche B Niche B
作者:James  出版:Little Brown  日期:2012-08-01
There is a new rule in business: don't aim for the middle market - unless you're cheaper than cheap ...
售價:NT$ 783

Dressmaker B Dressmaker B
作者:Beryl  出版:Little Brown  日期:2010-09-01
Wartime Liverpool is a place of ration books and jobs in munitions factories. Rita, living with her ...
售價:NT$ 702

Roses B Roses B
作者:Leila  出版:little brown  日期:2011-01-01
Spanning a hundred years, ROSES is set in a small East Texas town against the backdrop of the power ...
售價:NT$ 545

Cougars B Cougars B
作者:Claire  出版:little brown  日期:2011-03-01
Caroline Walker has it all. At 42, her immaculate looks and toned body are of a woman half her age. ...
售價:NT$ 545

Retribution B Retribution B
作者:ValMcDermid  出版:little brown  日期:2012-02-01
It's perhaps fitting that for McDermid's 25th novel she's revisited her most th ...
售價:NT$ 626

Excession B Excession B
作者:Iain  出版:Little Brown  日期:1997-05-01
Two and a half millennia ago, the artifact appeared in a remote corner of space, beside a trillion- ...
售價:NT$ 702

Heartless B Heartless B
作者:Sara  出版:Little Brown UK  日期:2011-03-01
Four gorgeous girls are telling very ugly stories. First Emily, Aria, Hanna, and Spencer claimed th ...
售價:NT$ 626

Raj B Raj B
作者:Lawrence  出版:Little Brown  日期:1998-11-01
This is the brilliantly told story of one of the wonders of the modern world - how in less than a h ...
售價:NT$ 1253

Terror B Terror B
作者:David  出版:Little Brown  日期:2006-09-01
The French Revolution marks the foundation of the modern political world. It was in the crucible of ...
售價:NT$ 1015

Them and Us B Them and Us B
作者:Will  出版:Little Brown  日期:2011-07-01
The suddenness and depth of the recession has raised questions about the workability of capitalism ...
售價:NT$ 858

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