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大書城 以“ 精确 模式”搜“ 约翰·肯尼斯·加尔布雷思 John Kennet ”共有 1514 結果: 支援简体 / 繁體 / 正體字輸入搜索
Red, White, and Blue Red, White, and Blue
作者:John Herman 著  出版:Penguin  日期:2012-04-01
Some people call the American flag Stars and Stripes or Old Glory. But did you know that it hasn't a ...
售價:NT$ 203

Noah Barleywater Run Noah Barleywater Run
作者:John Boyne 著  出版:Random House  日期:2011-09-01
"Timeless and imaginative. I don't know how Boyne does it but his story is incre ...
售價:NT$ 557

Maps of Tolkien`s Mi Maps of Tolkien`s Mi
作者:John Howe 著  出版:Houghton Mifflin Har  日期:2011-12-01
Best-selling Tolkien expert Brian Sibley The Lord of the Rings: The Making of the Movie Trilogy and ...
售價:NT$ 1752

作者:John Updike 著  出版:Random House  日期:2011-12-01
"Drinking a toast to the visible world, his impending disappearance from it be damned." That's how ...
售價:NT$ 800

The French Lieutenan The French Lieutenan
作者:John Fowles 著  出版:Hachette  日期:1998-09-01
 As part of Back Bay's ongoing effort to make the works of John Fowles available in uniform trade p ...
售價:NT$ 800

Hitler`s Scientists( Hitler`s Scientists(
作者:John Cornwell 著  出版:Penguin  日期:2004-09-01
Covering the dramatic rise of German science in the nineteenth century, its preeminence in the earl ...
售價:NT$ 667

The Last True Story The Last True Story
作者:John Crawford 著  出版:Penguin  日期:2006-04-01
John Crawford joined the Florida National Guard to pay for his college tuition. One weekend a month ...
售價:NT$ 557

Hitler`s Pope(ISBN=9 Hitler`s Pope(ISBN=9
作者:John Cornwell 著  出版:Penguin  日期:2008-04-01
When Hitler ’s Pope , the shocking story of Pope Pius XII that “redefined the history of the twenti ...
售價:NT$ 632

Frommer`S Puerto Ric Frommer`S Puerto Ric
作者:John Marino 著  出版:Wiley  日期:2010-02-01
At last, a travel guide that tells you how to see the best of everything-in the smartest, most time ...
售價:NT$ 650

Confessions of an Ec Confessions of an Ec
作者:John Perkins 著  出版:Penguin  日期:2005-12-01
Book Description Perkins, a former chief economist at a Boston strategic-consulting firm, confesse ...
售價:NT$ 592

The Pilgrim`s Progre The Pilgrim`s Progre
作者:John Bunyan 著  出版:Penguin  日期:2012-02-01
From AudioFile Time was when this allegory of moral redemption tied the KING J ...
售價:NT$ 545

作者:John Freely 著  出版:Random House  日期:2010-03-01
Aladdin’s Lamp is the fascinating story of how ancient Greek philosophy and science began in the si ...
售價:NT$ 800

Mr Gumpy`s Motor Car Mr Gumpy`s Motor Car
作者:John Burningham 著  出版:Random House  日期:2002-08-01
Mr Gumpy is going out for a drive in his motor car, but the children, the rabbit, the cat, the dog, ...
售價:NT$ 499

Stevie 斯蒂夫(美国图书馆协会推荐 Stevie 斯蒂夫(美国图书馆协会推荐
作者:Steptoe, John 著  出版:HarperCollins  日期:1986-11-01
An African-American child resents and then misses a little foster brother.One day my momma told me, ...
售價:NT$ 348

Marley: Messy Dog小狗马 Marley: Messy Dog小狗马
作者:Grogan, John 编  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2011-04-01
When Mommy decides to surprise Cassie with newly painted bedroom walls, she is careful to put Marle ...
售價:NT$ 197

Marley: The Dog Who Marley: The Dog Who
作者:John Grogan 著  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2011-09-01
Marley takes his job as watchdog very seriously. There’s lots of action outside the house, and Marl ...
售價:NT$ 197

Marley: Snow Dog Mar Marley: Snow Dog Mar
作者:Grogan, John 著  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2010-08-01
With the yard all covered in white, Marley’s family is ready to enjoy the first snowfall of the sea ...
售價:NT$ 197

Marley: Marley Learn Marley: Marley Learn
作者:John Grogen 著  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2013-05-01
售價:NT$ 197

漂亮的英文句子——英文这样写就对了(“4 漂亮的英文句子——英文这样写就对了(“4
作者:谷约 (John Gu)  出版:北京语言大学出版社  日期:2014-01-01
适用多种人群:本书介绍的写作技巧对各类英语水平考试的备考,以及商业文书、学术论文、留学文书和演讲文稿的写作,都十分具有参考价值。对于不熟悉英文文体和写作规范的读 ...
售價:NT$ 252

Halt’s Peril 皇家骑士9:浩 Halt’s Peril 皇家骑士9:浩
作者:John Flanagan 著  出版:Penguin  日期:2012-03-01
全球热销2,500,000册  版权已售出英、美、法、德、日、韩等22个国家  荣获澳洲图书业年度畅销全球奖   长踞纽约时报畅销书、雪梨晨锋 ...
售價:NT$ 452

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