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Spacecraft(Build My Spacecraft(Build My
作者:Stierle,Cynthia 著  出版:  日期:2015-07-01
Read about all spacecrafts and space stations, and then build three space vehicles with the included ...
售價:NT$ 737

Mr. Putter & Tabby M Mr. Putter & Tabby M
作者:Cynthia Rylant,Arthur Howard  出版:Houghton Mifflin  日期:2006-08-01
售價:NT$ 302

When I Was Young in When I Was Young in
作者:辛西娅·赖兰特(Cynthia Rylant)  出版:Puffin  日期:1993-01-01
售價:NT$ 319

Mr. Putter & Tab Mr. Putter & Tab
作者:Cynthia Rylant,Arthur Howard  出版:HMH Books for Young Reade  日期:2003-10-01
售價:NT$ 1181

Poppleton and Friend Poppleton and Friend
作者:Cynthia Rylant,Mark Teague  出版:Blue Sky Pr   日期:1998-04-01
售價:NT$ 236

Poppleton Forever Poppleton Forever
作者:Cynthia Rylant,Mark Teague  出版:Blue Sky Pr   日期:1998-08-01
售價:NT$ 567

孩子真正的需要-你能给孩子最佳的人生开端 孩子真正的需要-你能给孩子最佳的人生开端
作者:萨莉·戈达德·布莱斯 (Sally Goddard Blyt  出版:中国发展出版社  日期:2015-01-01
现代社会的变化已经使父母越来越背离做父母的本能,并给下一代的成长带来危机,我们需要找到符合孩子利益的方法。幸运的是,最近几十年来心理学和脑神经科学的发展,已经对 ...
售價:NT$ 324

Magic Train Ride(A B Magic Train Ride(A B
作者:Sally Crabtree 著,Sonia Espluga  出版:Barefoot Books  日期:2012-05-01
Clickety, clickety, clack! Jump aboard with your magic ticket through the jungle, outer space and un ...
售價:NT$ 493

How to Be a Baby...b How to Be a Baby...b
作者:Sally Lloyd-Jones 著, Sue Heap   出版:Random House US  日期:2011-05-01
Take it from the narrator of this book, an all-knowing big sister: when you're a baby you don't read ...
售價:NT$ 378

母亲的使命 母亲的使命
作者:萨莉·克拉克森 (Sally Clarkson)  出版:江西人民出版社  日期:2009-04-01
《母亲的使命》内容为:这是一本揭开母亲生命密码的书。养育了四个优秀孩子的萨莉·克拉克森,结合自己的亲身经历,为我们回答了这些问题:上帝为何要设立母亲的角色?母亲身上承载着怎样的使命?对于孩子,母亲又将 ...
售價:NT$ 304

想念梅姨(新经典成长文库) 想念梅姨(新经典成长文库)
作者:辛西娅·赖伦特 (Cynthia Rylant),李文俊  出版:浙江文艺出版社  日期:2015-02-01
·美国纽伯瑞儿童文学奖金奖 ·著名儿童文学家梅子涵倾情推荐 ·一个关于爱和生命的温情故事 ...
售價:NT$ 149

少儿英语:亨利和玛奇(全10册,中英双语 少儿英语:亨利和玛奇(全10册,中英双语
作者:[美]辛西娅赖蓝特[Cynthia Rylant]著,[美]  出版:大连理工大学出版社  日期:2015-01-31
★20年持续畅销,妈妈团口碑称颂,经典桥梁书,开启孩子英语自主阅读之旅…… ★西蒙舒斯特公司经典桥梁书 ★凯迪克大奖、纽伯瑞大奖得主辛西娅·赖兰特经 ...
售價:NT$ 896

Mr. Putter & Tabby B Mr. Putter & Tabby B
作者:Cynthia Rylant 著,Arthur Howard  出版:Houghton Mifflin  日期:1994-11-01
Mr. Putter and his beloved cat bake a light and airy Christmas cake for their neighbor Mrs. Teaberry ...
售價:NT$ 302

Mr. Putter & Tabby W Mr. Putter & Tabby W
作者:Cynthia Rylant 作者,Arthur Howar  出版:Houghton Mifflin  日期:2005-08-01
Mr. Putter has always wanted to write a mystery novel--and Tabby is happy to hel ...
售價:NT$ 302

Mr. Putter & Tabby P Mr. Putter & Tabby P
作者:Cynthia Rylant 著,Arthur Howard  出版:Houghton Mifflin  日期:1995-09-01
It is fall and juicy things are growing in Mr. Putter’s backyard--apples, tomato ...
售價:NT$ 302

Mr. Putter & Tabby T Mr. Putter & Tabby T
作者:Cynthia Rylant[辛西娅·赖蓝特] 著; Art  出版:Houghton Mifflin  日期:1999-08-01
Mr. Putter andhis fine cat, Tabby, like sharing music with their neighbors, Mrs. Teaberry and her go ...
售價:NT$ 302

Mr. Putter & Tabby P Mr. Putter & Tabby P
作者:Cynthia Rylant 著,Arthur Howard  出版:Houghton Mifflin  日期:1994-03-01
“The gentle, affecting first volume introduces elderly Mr. Putter, who decides that a cat will keep ...
售價:NT$ 302

Mr. Putter & Tabby R Mr. Putter & Tabby R
作者:Cynthia Rylant 著,Arthur Howard  出版:Houghton Mifflin  日期:1997-03-01
It is HOT. Mr. Putter and his fine cat, Tabby, are sweating. Their neighbors Mrs. Teaberry and her g ...
售價:NT$ 302

Mr. Putter & Tabby F Mr. Putter & Tabby F
作者:Cynthia Rylant 作者,Arthur Howar  出版:Houghton Mifflin  日期:1997-03-01
Mr. Putter loves toys. He’s old and he knows he shouldn’t love them anymore. But he does. His fine c ...
售價:NT$ 302

Mr. Putter & Tabby T Mr. Putter & Tabby T
作者:Cynthia Rylant[辛西娅·赖蓝特] 著; Art  出版:Houghton Mifflin  日期:2000-02-01
Mr. Putter and his fine cat, Tabby, are going for a train ride with their neighbors, Mrs. Teaberry a ...
售價:NT$ 302

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