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大書城 以“ 全文 模式”搜“ Thornton KW Kimmel BL ”共有 87 結果: 支援简体 / 繁體 / 正體字輸入搜索
水库湖沼学:生态学的观点 水库湖沼学:生态学的观点
作者:Thornton,K.W.,Kimmel,B.L. 著  出版:水利水电出版社  日期:2022-04-01
由于形成和运行方式的差异,水库生态系统展现出与河流及湖泊生态系统不同的一些特性(诸如水文、水温、水生动、植物等),而对这些特性的了解将有助于提升水库的科学管理水平。本书从生态学的角度出发,阐述了水库生 ...
售價:NT$ 765

Thornton Burgess Five-Minute Bedtime Tales Thornton Burgess Five-Minute Bedtime Tales
作者:Thornton W. Burgess. Illustrat  出版:Dover Publications  日期:2011-11-01
Where did Grandfather Frog get his big mouth, and why doesn't Buster Bear have a tail? When did Mr. ...
售價:NT$ 1140

The Adventures of Chatterer the Red Squirrel The Adventures of Chatterer the Red Squirrel
作者:Thornton W. Burgess  出版:Dover Publications  日期:1992-09-01
Author and editor of numerous children's books, Thornton W. Burgess was also a noted conservationist ...
售價:NT$ 228

The Adventures of Bobby Raccoon The Adventures of Bobby Raccoon
作者:Thornton W. Burgess  出版:Dover Publications  日期:1995-06-01
The gentle, old-fashioned animal stories of Thornton W. Burgess, told with great warmth and charm, d ...
售價:NT$ 190

The Adventures of Jimmy Skunk The Adventures of Jimmy Skunk
作者:Thornton W. Burgess  出版:Dover Publications  日期:1994-05-01
When Jimmy Skunk curls up to take a nap in an old barrel, the imp of mischief gets the better of Pet ...
售價:NT$ 228

The Adventures of Poor Mrs. Quack The Adventures of Poor Mrs. Quack
作者:Thornton W. Burgess  出版:Dover Publications  日期:1993-11-01
One day, Peter Rabbit happens upon a surprise visitor to the Smiling Pool. It's Mrs. Quack the Duck, ...
售價:NT$ 228

The Adventures of Peter Cottontail The Adventures of Peter Cottontail
作者:Thornton W. Burgess  出版:Dover Publications  日期:1991-12-01
One of the most beloved characters in children's literature, Peter Cottontail is up to his long-whis ...
售價:NT$ 228

The Adventures of Reddy Fox The Adventures of Reddy Fox
作者:Thornton W. Burgess  出版:Dover Publications  日期:1991-12-01
When little Reddy Fox gets too big for his breeches and steals a plump pet hen in broad daylight, th ...
售價:NT$ 228

Old Mother West Wind Old Mother West Wind
作者:Thornton W. Burgess  出版:Dover Publications  日期:1995-12-01
Welcome to the timeless world of the Green Forest, the laughing Brook, and the Smiling Pool. Here yo ...
售價:NT$ 228

The Adventures of Prickly Porky The Adventures of Prickly Porky
作者:Thornton W. Burgess  出版:Dover Publications  日期:1996-07-01
There's a big mystery brewing among the animals of the Green Forest — and it's all because of ...
售價:NT$ 190

Mrs. Peter Rabbit Mrs. Peter Rabbit
作者:Thornton W. Burgess  出版:Dover Publications  日期:1996-12-01
Something is definitely wrong with Peter Rabbit . . . he has no appetite! Deciding he is terribly lo ...
售價:NT$ 228

The Adventures of Old Man Coyote The Adventures of Old Man Coyote
作者:Thornton W. Burgess  出版:Dover Publications  日期:1997-06-01
"Listen," whispered Jimmy Skunk to Peter Rabbit as the strange howling sound echoed through the Gree ...
售價:NT$ 228

The Adventures of Johnny Chuck The Adventures of Johnny Chuck
作者:Thornton W. Burgess  出版:Dover Publications  日期:1995-01-01
Spring has arrived at the Green Meadow and Johnny Chuck is strangely discontent. On a whim, he offer ...
售價:NT$ 228

The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat
作者:Thornton W. Burgess  出版:Dover Publications  日期:1993-11-01
Even in the peaceful, sun-splashed world of the Green Forest, the Laughing Brook, and the Smiling Po ...
售價:NT$ 228

The Adventures of Buster Bear The Adventures of Buster Bear
作者:Thornton W. Burgess  出版:Dover Publications  日期:1993-03-01
When Buster Bear comes to live in the Green Forest, the amiable bully stirs up quite a commotion, fo ...
售價:NT$ 228

The Adventures of Grandfather Frog The Adventures of Grandfather Frog
作者:Thornton W. Burgess  出版:Dover Publications  日期:1992-09-01
Determined to see the Great World beyond the familiar vistas of the Smiling Pool, Laughing Brook, Gr ...
售價:NT$ 228

The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse
作者:Thornton W. Burgess  出版:Dover Publications  日期:1993-03-01
A plump little meadow mouse is always an inviting target for hungry hunters in the Green Meadows. Th ...
售價:NT$ 228

Lightfoot the Deer Lightfoot the Deer
作者:Thornton W. Burgess. Illustrat  出版:Dover Publications  日期:1998-02-01
Autumn shouldhave been a season of contentment for the inhabitants of the Green Forest. Food was ple ...
售價:NT$ 228

Anansi and the Talki Anansi and the Talki
作者:Eric Kimmel  出版:Holiday House Inc  日期:1995-10-11
售價:NT$ 764

Star Wars: A New Hop Star Wars: A New Hop
作者:Randy Thornton  出版:Disney Lucasfilm Press  日期:2015-02-10
售價:NT$ 298

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