第一章 动感体育 Physical Exercises
第一节 逐鹿大球 Football, Basketball, Volleyball
第二节 小球王子 Ping-Pong, Badminton, Tennis
第三节 棋乐融融 Chess and Cards
第四节 飞旋赛车 Racing Car
第五节 青青马术 Horsemanship
第六节 游泳跳水 Swimming and Diving
第七节 唯美体操 Gymnastics
第八节 休闲田径 Track and Field
第九节 欢乐健身 Bodybuilding
第十节 激情奥运 Olympic Games
第二章 怡情艺术 Arts
第一节 影视俱乐部 Movies
第二节 中国戏曲梨园 Chinese Opera
第三节 西方多元戏苑 Western Theatre
第四节 万国展览会 Exhibition
第五节 书香盈人 Books and Reading
第六节 醉音乐醉旋律 Music
第七节 色彩故事 Painting
第八节 立体艺术 Sculpture and Architecture
第三章 非遗展柜 Cultural Heritage
第一节 中国非遗文化之旅 Chinese Cultural Heritage
第二节 亚洲它国经典文化 Cultural Heritage of Other Asian Countries
第三节 传统非洲 African Cultural Heritage
第四节 风情欧罗巴 European Cultural Heritage
第五节 沉醉拉美风情 Latin-American Cultural Heritage
第六节 多元北美文化 North American Cultural Heritage
第四章 绚丽节庆 Festivals
第一节 欢庆中国传统节日 Chinese Festivals
第二节 中华少数民族特色节日 Chinese Ethnic Festivals
第三节 豪享英美节日 Festivals of the USA and UK
第四节 乐享日韩节日 Korean and Japanese Festivals
第五节 畅享欧洲节庆 European Festivals
第六节 心动澳洲节日 Australian Festivals
第七节 虔诚宗教节日 Religious Festivals
第五章 求学之路 Study Abroad
第一节 负笈北美 Study in North America
第二节 远赴英伦 Study in Britain
第三节 留学欧洲 Study in Europe
第四节 求学亚洲 Study in Asia
第五节 留学签证攻略 Student Visa
第六章 神圣宗教 Religion
第一节 敬拜基督教 Christianity
第二节 朝拜伊斯兰 Islam
第三节 神秘佛教 Buddhism
第四节 宗教建筑馆 Religion and Architecture
第五节 宗教书画展 Religion and Arts
第七章 多彩服饰 Ethnic Clothing
第一节 缤纷中华民族服饰 Chinese Ethnic Clothes
第二节 亚洲民族精彩服饰 Asian Ethnic Clothes
第三节 多元北美民族服饰 North American Ethnic Clothes
第四节 陶醉非洲民族服饰 African Ethnic Clothes
第五节 精致配饰 Clothing Accessories
文化焦点 Keywords
啤酒节 Oktoberfest
艺穗节 Fringe Festival
威尼斯狂欢 Venice Carnival
法雅节 Las Fallas
女王日 Queen’s Day
句句思文 Useful Expressions
People would dress up for Venice Carnival.
There will be displays on water to knock your socks off.
Jason is explaining to Amanda the tradition of Oktoberfest.
Amanda: Why do Germans like to drink beer so much? They even have
a twoweek
beer festival!
Jason: You mean the Oktoberfest in Munich. Beer is generally
considered as
their national drink, and the Germans have a long history of
beer. It’s part and parcel of German culture and history.
Amanda: No wonder Oktoberfest is such an important event for
Jason: But in the beginning Oktoberfest wasn’t the beer festival
it is today.
Amanda: What was it then?
Jason: Its origin is the royal wedding of Prince Ludwig in 1810.
Citizens of
Munich were invited to join in the festivities and horse races
held. In subsequent years, other entertainments were added and
stands appeared, which gradually developed and became the
festival of today.
On March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated in Ireland with
parades, feasts and a lot of green. St.Patrick played an important
role in converting Ireland to Christianity and later became the
patron Saint of Ireland. On this day, the largest parade is held in
Dublin. Irish visual and performing arts and music are also
displayed. The shamrock is a popular symbol that is seen on St.
Patrick’s Day.