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大書城 以“ 精确 模式”搜“ 斯蒂芬·金Stephen King 博 ”共有 876 結果: 支援简体 / 繁體 / 正體字輸入搜索
Under the Dome Under the Dome
作者:Stephen King  出版:Hodder Paperback   日期:2010-07-08
售價:NT$ 567

Different Seasons Different Seasons
作者:Stephen King  出版:Signet   日期:1983-08-29
售價:NT$ 374

Joyland Joyland
作者:Stephen King  出版:Turtleback Books  日期:2013-06-04
售價:NT$ 1670

11/22/63 11/22/63
作者:Stephen King  出版:Turtleback Books  日期:2012-07-24
售價:NT$ 2260

Doctor Sleep Doctor Sleep
作者:Stephen King  出版:Turtleback Books  日期:2014-06-10
售價:NT$ 1764

Mr. Mercedes Mr. Mercedes
作者:Stephen King  出版:Thorndike Pr  日期:2014-06-04
售價:NT$ 3804

Revival: A Novel Revival: A Novel
作者:Stephen King  出版:Simon & Schuster Audio  日期:2014-11-11
售價:NT$ 1674

Finders Keepers: A N Finders Keepers: A N
作者:Stephen King  出版:Simon & Schuster Audio  日期:2015-06-02
售價:NT$ 1674

The High King (The C The High King (The C
作者:Lloyd Alexander 编著  出版:Henry Holt and Co. BYR Pa  日期:2006-05-01
The Newbery-winning fantasy series now available in gorgeous new paperback editions! Since The Boo ...
售價:NT$ 348

To Play the King (Ho To Play the King (Ho
作者:Michael Dobbs  出版:HarperCollins  日期:2010-05-30
售價:NT$ 572

King John/Henry VIII King John/Henry VIII
作者:William Shakespeare  出版:Signet Classics  日期:2004-02-03
售價:NT$ 273

King Bidgood`s in th King Bidgood`s in th
作者:Audrey Wood 著  出版:Houghton Mifflin  日期:2010-09-01
After 25 years, King Bidgood is still in the bathtub in this Caldecott Honor-wi ...
售價:NT$ 400

King Leopold`s Ghost King Leopold`s Ghost
作者:Adam Hochschild 著  出版:Houghton Mifflin Har  日期:2006-01-01
In the 1880s, as the European powers were carving up Africa, King Leopold II of Belgium seized for ...
售價:NT$ 800

The Pale King(ISBN=9 The Pale King(ISBN=9
作者:本社 编  出版:HarperCollins UK  日期:2012-01-01
David Foster Wallace's final and most ambitious undertaking - an audacious and hilarious look into ...
售價:NT$ 800

King Solomon`s Mines King Solomon`s Mines
作者:本社 编著  出版:WORDSWORTH  日期:2010-04-01
"In King Solomon's Mines," Sir Henry Curtis and Captain Good persuade Allan Quatermain to help them ...
售價:NT$ 126

King Cecil the Sea H King Cecil the Sea H
作者:Tish Rabe,Christopher Moroney  出版:Random House US  日期:2013-05-01
When Sally and Nick need to learn about babysitting, the Cat in the Hat takes them to meet an expert ...
售價:NT$ 203

Under the Dome: A No Under the Dome: A No
作者:Stephen King 著  出版:  日期:2013-06-01
Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan share their enthusiasm for Stephen King's th ...
售價:NT$ 992

Mr. Mercedes: A Nove Mr. Mercedes: A Nove
作者:Stephen King 著  出版:Simon US  日期:2015-01-01
New York Times bestseller! In a high-suspense race against time, three of the most unlikely heroes S ...
售價:NT$ 863

Revival(ISBN=9781476 Revival(ISBN=9781476
作者:Stephen King 著  出版:Simon & Sc  日期:2014-11-01
A dark and electrifying novel about addiction, fanaticism, and what might exist on the other side of ...
售價:NT$ 1619

突发事件处置与危机领导力提升研究——新世 突发事件处置与危机领导力提升研究——新世
作者:朱瑞博  出版:中国法制出版社  日期:2013-07-01
《突发事件处置与危机领导力提升研究/新世纪学术文库》编著者朱瑞 准确认识和把握公共危机管理特征,提升领导者公共危机管理能力,科学高效地进行危机管理,是摆在我国各级政府面前亟待解决的一项重大课题。应 ...
售價:NT$ 419

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